MODAL React Component
- easy to use
- responsive
Checkout the example (Redux). If requested I can provide an Alt example.
$ npm i @aneves/react-modal
react-modal was developed alongside react-flyout so it shares most of its structure
- Modal
- stateless component
- handles everything related to how the modal looks and behaves when opened
- ModalWrapper
- stateless component
- renders the Modal when === true
- executes prop.onWindowClick when a window click event gets fired
- modal.css
The problem with these kind of componentes (dropdowns, modals, ...) is the need to handle window/body clicks in order to close. Why is this a problem? The lack of state (in this case) and the immutability of the props make it "impossible" to close itself.
That's why I provide the ModalWrapper which adds and removes the window click eventListener when needed and accepts a method through the props that gets executed by the handler. This method can in turn close the flyout by updating the props sent to the wrapper.
Keep in mind that the ModalWrapper is optional, you can import the Modal directly and deal with its renderization by yourself.
The usage will depend on your projects architecture but will be something along these lines:
<button onClick={e => {dispatch(modalToggle('modal-foobar'))}}>ModalToggle</button>
<Modal id="modal-foobar" title="foobar">
- id: (string, required) modal id
- open: (bool) opens the modal if true
- title: (string) sets a title
- onModalClose: (func) called only when the modal is closed by typing ESC, clicking 'X', or clicking the backdrop
- onModalUnmount: (func) called on componentWillUnmount