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Movielens Liliana Vera #89

wants to merge 3 commits into
base: main
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@Irais11 Irais11 commented Nov 8, 2024

Ejercicio Movieles
Equipo Mudos

Se agrega los archivos de go y julia


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Irais11 commented Nov 8, 2024

Archivo de introducción
20241031 DOCUMENTO DE REQUERIMIENTO (propuesta LIVR).docx

Código en Go

package main

import (



// Leer y particionar archivo
// Function to split a csv file into small files.
// You provided a name for the file, the number of chuncks wich it will be divided and the directory
// where the file is located and the new ones will be saved.
func SplitBigFile(file_name string, number_of_chunks int, directory string) []string {
t1 := time.Now()
data := ReadCsv(file_name, directory)

//Extrae el encabezado para cada CSV
header := data[0]
//Quita el encabezado antes de dividir
data = data[1:]

fmt.Printf("%v rows in file %s\n", len(data), file_name)
rowsPerFile := len(data) / number_of_chunks
var filesCreated []string

for i := 0; i < number_of_chunks; i++ {
	tempName := file_name + "_" + fmt.Sprintf("%02d", i+1)
	fmt.Printf("%s\n", tempName)
	path := directory
	fmt.Printf("%s\n", path)
	tempData := append([][]string{header}, data[i*rowsPerFile:(i+1)*rowsPerFile]...)
	WriteCsv(tempData, tempName, path)
	filesCreated = append(filesCreated, tempName)
tf := time.Since(t1).Seconds()
println("Executed in:", tf, "seconds")
return filesCreated


// Open and read a csv file and returns the content.
func ReadCsv(fileName string, directory string) [][]string {
file, err := os.Open(directory + fileName + ".csv")

if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("Error opening file: %s", err)
defer file.Close()

csvReader := csv.NewReader(file)

data, err := csvReader.ReadAll()

if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("Error extracting data from file %v: %s", fileName, err)
return data


// Create a csv file with the name and data provided in the path defined.
func WriteCsv(data [][]string, name string, path string) {
csvFile, err := os.Create(path + name + ".csv")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error creating new csv file %v: %s", name, err)
defer csvFile.Close()

writer := csv.NewWriter(csvFile)
defer writer.Flush()

err = writer.WriteAll(data)
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("Error writing new csv file %v: %s", name, err)

fmt.Printf("File %s has been created with %v rows\n", name, len(data))


func main() {
files := SplitBigFile("ratings", number_of_workers(), "C:\Users\configurar\Documents\2024\CursoGo\peliculasEQUIPO\")

// Definir el numero de hilos

func number_of_workers() int {
// agregar metodo para leer el numero de workers
//return 10
return runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)

// Definir la funcion que ejecutara el worker

/*func ReadCsvToDataframe(aFileName string) dataframe.DataFrame {
file, _ := os.Open(aFileName)
defer file.Close()

// Leer el archivo CSV y crear el DataFrame
df := dataframe.ReadCSV(file)
return df


func ReadCsvToDataframe(filePath string) dataframe.DataFrame {
path := "C:\Users\configurar\Documents\2024\CursoGo\peliculasEQUIPO\"
df := dataframe.CreateDataFrame(path, filePath)
return df

// w: el numero del worker
// ci: el canal
func Mt_FindRatingsWorker(w int, ci chan int, knowGenders []string, ca *[][]int, va *[][]float64, movies dataframe.DataFrame) {
aFileName := "ratings_" + fmt.Sprintf("%02d", w) + ".csv"
println("Worker ", fmt.Sprintf("%02d", w), " is processing file ", aFileName, "\n")

ratings := ReadCsvToDataframe(aFileName) // modificar para devolver un dataframe
ng := len(knowGenders)
start := time.Now()

// import all records from the movies DF into the ratings DF, keeping genres column from movies
//df.Merge is the equivalent of an inner-join in the DF lib I am using here
ratings.Merge(&movies, "movieId", "genres")

// We only need "genres" and "ratings" to find Count(Ratings | Genres), so keep only those columns
grcs := [2]string{"genres", "rating"} // grcs => Genres Ratings Columns
grDF := ratings.KeepColumns(grcs[:])  // grDF => Genres Ratings DF
for ig := 0; ig < ng; ig++ {
	for _, row := range grDF.FrameRecords {
		if strings.Contains(row.Data[0], knowGenders[ig]) {
			(*ca)[ig][w-1] += 1
			v, _ := strconv.ParseFloat((row.Data[1]), 32) // do not check for error
			(*va)[ig][w-1] += v
duration := time.Since(start)
fmt.Println("Duration = ", duration)
fmt.Println("Worker ", w, " completed")

// notify master that this worker has completed its job
ci <- 1


// 1.0 Definir la funcion master que ejecutará el programa (1.1 Unir el resultado de todos los workers)

func Mt_FindRatingsMaster() {
fmt.Println("In MtFindRatingsMaster")
start := time.Now()
nf := number_of_workers()

//SplitBigFile("ratings", nf, "C:\\Users\\configurar\\Documents\\2024\\CursoGo\\peliculasEQUIPO\\")

// kg is a 1D array that contains the Known Genres
kg := []string{"Action", "Adventure", "Animation", "Children", "Comedy", "Crime", "Documentary",
	"Drama", "Fantasy", "Film-Noir", "Horror", "IMAX", "Musical", "Mystery", "Romance",
	"Sci-Fi", "Thriller", "War", "Western", "(no genres listed)"}

ng := len(kg) // number of known genres
// ra is a 2D array where the ratings values for each genre are maintained.
// The columns signal/maintain the core number where a worker is running.
// The rows in that column maintain the rating values for that core and that genre
ra := make([][]float64, ng)
// ca is a 2D array where the count of Ratings for each genre is maintained
// The columns signal the core number where the worker is running
// The rows in that column maintain the counts for that that genre
ca := make([][]int, ng)
// populate the ng rows of ra and ca with nf columns
for i := 0; i < ng; i++ {
	ra[i] = make([]float64, nf)
	ca[i] = make([]int, nf)
var ci = make(chan int) // create the channel to sync all workers
movies := ReadCsvToDataframe("movies.csv")
println("Lectura completa del movies.csv\n")
// run FindRatings in 10 workers
for i := 0; i < nf; i++ {
	go Mt_FindRatingsWorker(i+1, ci, kg, &ca, &ra, movies)
// wait for the workers
iMsg := 0
go func() {
	for {
		i := <-ci
		iMsg += i
for {
	if iMsg == nf {
// all workers completed their work. Collect results and produce report
locCount := make([]int, ng)
locVals := make([]float64, ng)
locPromedio := make([]float64, ng)
for i := 0; i < ng; i++ {
	for j := 0; j < nf; j++ {
		locCount[i] += ca[i][j]
		locVals[i] += ra[i][j]
	locPromedio[i] = locVals[i] / float64(locCount[i])
for i := 0; i < ng; i++ {
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("%2d", i), "  ", fmt.Sprintf("%20s", kg[i]), "  ", fmt.Sprintf("%8d", locCount[i]), " ", fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", locPromedio[i]))
duration := time.Since(start)
fmt.Println("Duration = ", duration)
println("Mt_FindRatingsMaster is Done")


Código en Julia

`#import Pkg; Pkg.add("CSV")
#import Pkg; Pkg.add("DataFrames")

using DataFrames
using CSV
using Parquet
using Printf

Función para dividir el archivo ratings en 10 partes y guardarlas en formato Parquet

function generate_small_files(ratings_file::String, output_prefix::String, output_dir::String)
println("Dividiendo archivo de ratings en partes...")

# Leer el archivo completo de ratings
data =, DataFrame)
total_rows = nrow(data)
num_chunks = 10  # Dividir en 10 partes
chunk_size = ceil(Int, total_rows / num_chunks)

# Crear y guardar cada chunk en archivos separados
for i in 1:num_chunks
    start_row = (i - 1) * chunk_size + 1
    end_row = min(i * chunk_size, total_rows)
    chunk = data[start_row:end_row, :]

    output_path = joinpath(output_dir, "$(output_prefix)_ratings$(lpad(i, 2, '0')).parquet")
    Parquet.write_parquet(output_path, chunk)
    println("Archivo guardado: $output_path con $(nrow(chunk)) filas")


Función principal para procesar archivos de ratings y cruzarlos con movies

function find_ratings_master(input_dir::String, output_dir::String)
nF = 10 # Número de archivos ratings
prqDir = output_dir

# Lista de géneros de películas
genres = ["Action", "Adventure", "Animation", "Children", "Comedy", "Crime", "Documentary",
          "Drama", "Fantasy", "Film-Noir", "Horror", "IMAX", "Musical", "Mystery", "Romance",
          "Sci-Fi", "Thriller", "War", "Western", "(no genres listed)"]
ng = length(genres)

# Arrays para acumular los resultados de calificaciones por género
rating_sum = zeros(ng, nF)
count_sum = zeros(Int, ng, nF)

# Leer el archivo movies.csv y mantener solo las columnas necesarias
movies_path = joinpath(input_dir, "movies.csv")
df_movies =, DataFrame)
df_movies = df_movies[:, [:movieId, :genres]]

# Procesar cada archivo de ratings
for i in 1:nF
    rating_file = joinpath(prqDir, "ratings_ratings$(lpad(i, 2, '0')).parquet")
    println("Procesando archivo: $rating_file")

    if isfile(rating_file)
        df_ratings = DataFrame(read_parquet(rating_file))
        rating_sum[:, i], count_sum[:, i] = process_ratings(ng, genres, df_movies, df_ratings)
        println("Archivo no encontrado: $rating_file")

# Sumar resultados finales por género y mostrarlos
for i in 1:ng
    total_rating = sum(rating_sum[i, :])
    total_count = sum(count_sum[i, :])
    promedio = total_rating/total_count 
    @printf("Género: %s   Total calificaciones: %.2f   Total conteo: %d   Promedio: %.2f\n", genres[i], total_rating, total_count,promedio) 


Función para procesar cada archivo ratings y acumular resultados por género

function process_ratings(ng::Int, genres::Vector{String}, df_movies::DataFrame, df_ratings::DataFrame)
rating_accum = zeros(ng)
count_accum = zeros(Int, ng)

# Hacer un inner join entre movies y ratings
joined_df = innerjoin(df_movies, df_ratings, on=:movieId)

# Calcular sumas y conteos por cada género
for i in 1:ng
    genre_rows = joined_df[occursin.(genres[i], joined_df.genres), :]
    count_accum[i] = nrow(genre_rows)
    rating_accum[i] = sum(genre_rows.rating)

return rating_accum, count_accum


Rutas de entrada y salida

input_dir = "C:\Users\Alexis\Documents\Practica_Julia"
output_dir = "C:\Users\Alexis\Documents\Practica_Julia"

Dividir el archivo ratings y guardar en formato Parquet

generate_small_files(joinpath(input_dir, "ratings.csv"), "ratings", output_dir)

Procesar los archivos de ratings y cruzarlos con movies

find_ratings_master(input_dir, output_dir)`

@Irais11 Irais11 marked this pull request as draft November 8, 2024 17:58
@Irais11 Irais11 marked this pull request as ready for review November 8, 2024 18:02
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