u vertica-grafana-datasource
This is a work-in-progress Grafana plugin to support the Vertica database.
It defines a new datsource that communicates with Vertica using the Vertica golang driver. [http://github.com/vertica/vertica-sql-go]. Due to this, we needed to implement both front and and back end components using the largely-undocumented backend framework.
- Set up a Go development environment with the appropriate GOROOT and GOPATH envrionment variables.
- Download Grafana itself and build it per their instructions. [http://github.com/grafana/grafana]
- Install npm [http://nodejs.org]
- Install dep [https://github.com/golang/dep]
- Start Grafana once by running the grafana-server binary you built in step 2.
- Create a symbolic link from the Grafana's plugin directory to this project's 'dist' directory thusly:
ln -s (this_dir)/dist (grafana_dir)/data/plugins/vertica-grafana-datasource
Note: If using Grafana 7.0.0, it now requires signed plugins. The Vertica plugin is unsigned so you will need to add the following configuration parameter to the /etc/grafana/grafana.ini file in the [plugins] section for it to load. Restart the Grafana server after adding this change. allow_loading_unsigned_plugins = vertica-grafana-datasource
You can enable backend logging by setting two variables. On your Grafana server node...
export VERTICA_GRAFANA_LOG_FILE=(log file name)
After that, you can simply watch the log file.
It is possible to run the grafana/grafana Docker image instead of a local grafana-server binary.
- Build the drivers source
dep ensure
- Building on Linux?
- Otherwise
cd backend GOOS=linux go build -o ../dist/vertica-grafana-datasource_linux_amd64 cd ..
- Start the grafana Docker image
docker-compose up -d
- Confirm that server has started
docker-compose logs
- Open web browser to localhost:30000/
- Cleanup the container, after testing
docker-compose down -v
- Make your code changes.
- Run './build.sh'
- Ctrl-C and re-run grafana-server
- Repeat until tired.