.NET Cloud Native Workshop http://tinyurl.com/CAH20FEB17
Cloud Native Application Design and Architectures with Pivotal Cloud Foundry
- Ralph Meira, Senior Platform Architect, [email protected]
- Parag Doshi, Senior Platform Architect, [email protected]
- Michael Timmers, Engagement Director, [email protected]
Time | Session |
12:00 PM | Welcome and Introductions |
12:15 PM | Session 1: Intro to Pivotal Cloud Foundry |
| Lab 0: _Accessing the Workshop Environment_
| Lab 1: _Pushing Your First Application_
01:00 PM | Break (15 mins) 01:15 PM | Labs Review | Lab 2: Binding to Cloud Foundry Services | Lab 3: Scaling and Operating Applications | Lab 4: Monitoring Applications 02:00 PM | Break (15 mins) 02:15 PM | Labs Review | Session 2: Cloud Native Design and Microservices | Lab 5: Deploying an ASP.NET MVC Application | Lab 6: Managing application logs from a .NET application 03:00 PM | Break (15 mins) 03:15 PM | Labs Review | Session 3: Spring Cloud Netflix & SteelToe | Lab 7: Using Config Server from a .NET application 04:30 PM | Labs Review 04:45 PM | Q&A + Survey 05:00 PM | Wrap-up
- Cloud Foundry Command Line Interface - CLI
- Git Client
- VisualStudio (min: Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 Community Edition)
- Access to UserID and Workshop Progress shared Spreadsheet
Note: Labs should be executed in order (from Lab 0 to Lab 7)
Download Course Material
You can download the course material from this GitHub website in ZIP format, but make sure to install Git on your PC or Mac, and use the following commands:
$ cd /work <-- Choose or create (mkdir) a directory for your workshop material
$ git clone https://github.com/rm511130/DotNetCloudNativeWorkshop
$ cd DotNetCloudNativeWorkshop/
$ git fetch --all
Session 1 (Slides): Intro to Pivotal Cloud Foundry
- Lab 0 - Accessing the Workshop Environment
- Lab 1 - Pushing Your First Application
- Lab 2 - Binding to Cloud Foundry Services
- Lab 3 - Scaling and Operating Applications
- Lab 4 - Monitoring Applications
- Lab Review - PCF Architecture and PCF Push
- Lab Review - Scaling, Services, Logs and HA
Session 2 (Slides): Cloud Native Design and Microservices
- Lab 5 - Deploying an ASP.NET MVC Application
- Lab 6 - Managing application logs from a .NET application