Sparse matrix dense vector multiplication benchmark for the Arria 10 FPGA
'main.cpp' Runs the benchmark, the arguments are positional and are as follows:
1 . Path to opencl file, string (For altera, this file will have the extension aocx)
2 . Path to benchmark file, string
3 . Whether the file in the first argument is an opencl source or binary file. Single character, 's' or 'b'.
4 . OpenCL platform ID to use
5 . OpenCL device ID to use
6 . Number of induvidual benchmarks in the benchmark file. Integer, if in doubt just use 1.
7 . OpenCL memory flag. Single character. 'd' is default, assumes device memory is separate to host. 'h' selects the 'CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR' flag. 'a' selects the 'CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR' flag. For the integrated FPGA, use 'a'.
8 . Datatype. String. 'float' or 'double'. The kernels in this repository are not optimised for double precision floats and the performance will be poor, so use 'float'.
9 . Matrix padding. Integer. The number of rows in the matrix must be a multiple of the block height specified when the kernel was compiled, this argument will add the specified number of padding rows to the matrix.
10 . Reruns. Integer. The number of times to run the benchmark.
'' can be used to automate running the benchmark for multiple benchmark files and opencl kernels.