I designed the web for gas sensor, and there are a lot of sensors in a same building which means they are in same coordinates.
And we use google map cluster, so it can't separate no matter how you zoom in.
Therefore, we make this change by math. Logarithmic spiral
// key function
function tranform (lng, lat, j, cnt) { // helper
const l = 10e-5
const theta = 2 * Math.PI / cnt
const t = j * theta
const r = l * Math.log(cnt/4*j+1) * theta
// const r = (Math.E)^( t )
const x = r * Math.cos(t)
const y = r * Math.sin(t)
return {
lng: lng + x,
lat: lat + y
Vue.use(VueGoogleMaps, {
load: {
const n1 = 20;
[...Array(n1).keys()].forEach(j => {
const n2 = 10;
[...Array(n2).keys()].forEach(j => {