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Zilch: A Framework for Developing Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Any Application


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The Zilch Framework

A Framework for Deploying Transparent Zero Knowledge Proofs


Zilch is a framework that implements Scalable and Transparent (no need for trusted setup) ARguments of Knowledge (STARKs). Zilch consists of two main components: a front-end and a back-end.

The front-end consists of the ZeroJava programming language, a subset of Java designed for zero-knowledge arguments, and a compiler for translating the ZeroJava code to zMIPS assembly instructions; zMIPS is our extension to the MIPS ISA to support programming ZKPs.

The back-end translates the zMIPS assembly instructions to arithmetic circuits and generates ZKPs for verifying the evaluation of these circuits. The back-end builds upon the ZKP constructions of the zkSTARK library, and extends the programming model of libSTARK to the zMIPS abstract machine.

Disclaimer: The code is academic grade, meant for academic peer review and evaluation. The authors have tested the code with Ubuntu 20.04.

Cite this work

If you find our work useful, please cite our publication (IEEE Xplore, Cryptology ePrint Archive):

D. Mouris and N. G. Tsoutsos, "Zilch: A Framework for Deploying Transparent Zero-Knowledge Proofs,"
in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), 2021, DOI: 10.1109/TIFS.2021.3074869


Zilch Dependencies:

For the ZeroJava compiler dependencies refer to the ZeroJava repository.

Build Zilch

$ git clone --recursive
$ cd Zilch
$ make -j8
$ make zilch-tests -j8

To verify the installation type ./zilch-tests.

Build the ZeroJava Compiler

$ cd ZeroJava-compiler
$ mvn initialize
$ mvn package


$ ./zilch --asm <zMIPS assembly file path> [--tsteps <trace length log_2>] [--security <security parameter]> [--pubtape <primaryTapeFile>] [--auxtape <auxTapeFile>] [--verifier | --prover] [--address <address:port_number>]

Command line arguments

--help      : Display this help message
--examples  : Display some usage examples
--show-asm  : Display zMIPS assembly input
--verbose   : Verbose output, print BAIR, ACSP, APR and FRI specifications

--asm       : Path to the zMIPS assembly code (required)
--tsteps    : trace length log_2 (optional, default = 5)
--security  : security parameter (optional, default = 60)
--pubtape   : path to the primary tape file (optional, default = none)
--auxtape   : path to the auxiliary tape file (optional, default = none)

The flags below enable verification over the network; if neither is enabled, the execution will be locally. Verifier acts as the server and thus should be executed first.
--address  : verifier-address:port-number (optional, default = 'localhost:1234')
--verifier : enables execution of the verifier, listening on port-number (optional, default = false)
--prover   : enables execution of the prover, transmitting to verifier-address:port-number (optional, default = false)

see examples below on how to use the flags.

Note: Zilch automatically detects the private and public tapes if they are in the same directory as the zMIPS assembly file and they are named pubtape.txt and auxtape.txt.

zMIPS examples

In the examples-zmips directory we include various zMIPS examples.

At the assembler level, our labels are alphanumeric tags that begin and end by a double underscore (e.g., __example_label__), while inside Zilch these labels are converted to instruction numbers.

For instance, below is the zMIPS code to compute the factorial of 5:

move $t3, 5
move $t1, 1
move $t2, 1
    mult $t1, $t1, $t2
    add $t2, $t2, 1
bge $t3, $t2, __L1__
answer $t1

User-defined Macros

In macros.json we define custom macro-instructions based on existing zMIPS instructions. For instance, we have defined inc and min macro-instructions as shown below :

"inc": {
    "reg1": "$x",
    "macro": "add $x, $x, 1"

This means that inc uses one register. A zMIPS program can use the inc instruction as

move $t0, 5
inc $t0
answer $t0

the answer would be 6.

The min macro-instruction uses three registers and also labels:

"min": {
    "reg1": "$x",
    "reg2": "$y",
    "reg3": "$z",
    "uses_label" : "true",
    "macro" : "blt $y, $z, __min_label__
            move $x, $z
            j __end_min_label__
            move $x, $y

An example for read instructions:

Primary tape is filled with 1, 2, 3, 4, ..., while aux tape contains 101, 102, 103, 104, ....

pubread $t0             ; consume next word from public tape and store it to r0
print $t0

secread $t1             ; consume next word from auxiliary tape and store it to r1
print $t1

pubseek $t0, 3          ; read the 4th word from the public tape and store it to r0
print $t0

secseek $t1, 3          ; read the 4th word from the auxiliary tape and store it to r1
print $t1

answer $t0

In order to execute the above program, simply run ./zilch --asm ./examples-zmips/read_test/read_test.zmips --tsteps 5 --pubtape ./examples-zmips/read_test/read_test.pubtape --auxtape ./examples-zmips/read_test/read_test.auxtape.

Over the Network Verification:

The default behavior (without flags --address, --verifier, --prover) of the zilch executable results in a local execution. In order to enable over the network verification first the verifier should be executed (--verifier flag) and then the prover (--prover flag). The verifier acts as a server waiting for the prover to connect, executes and prints and returns its decision to the prover.

For instance, a simple read from tapes example over the network:

First run the verifier listening on port 2324:

./zilch --asm ./examples-zmips/read_test/read_test.zmips --tsteps 10 --security 120 --pubtape ./examples-zmips/read_test/read_test.pubtape --auxtape ./examples-zmips/read_test/read_test.auxtape --verifier --address localhost:2324

And then the prover to connect to port 2324:

./zilch --asm ./examples-zmips/read_test/read_test.zmips --tsteps 10 --security 120 --pubtape ./examples-zmips/read_test/read_test.pubtape --auxtape ./examples-zmips/read_test/read_test.auxtape --prover --address localhost:2324

Trustworthy Computing Group


Zilch: A Framework for Developing Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Any Application







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