This Julia package contains LU-based and GMRES-based iterative refinement for the solution of square linear system
Ax=b, A∈ℝn ✕ n, b∈ℝn.
It implements both LU-IR3 and GMRES-IR5 and allows a highly versatile choice of arithmetic precision combinations. This code has been made for research purposes and is numerical oriented, meaning we did not consider performance issues.
LU-based iterative refinement is the most known form of iterative refinement. It has been extended to up to three precision in "Accelerating the Solution of Linear Systems by Iterative Refinement in Three Precisions" (Carson and Higham 2018)1. The goal being to accelerate a direct solving by processing the factorization in low precision and then recover a good solution precision by mean of refinement steps.Algorithm: LU-based iterative refinement in three precisions
Compute the LU factorization A = LU in precision (uf)
Initialize x0
while not converged do
Compute ri = b-Axi in precision (ur)
Solve Adi = ri by di = U-1L-1ri in precision (uf)
Compute xi+1 = xi + di in precision (u)
end whileuf, ur, and u are the arithmetic precisions to set up. In Julia we can use the following arithmetic precisions: bfloat16 (bfloat,
using BFloat16s
4, type:BFloat16
), fp16 (half, type:Float16
), fp32 (single, type:Float32
), fp64 (double, type:Float64
), fp128 (quadruple,using Quadmath
5, type:Float128
). It should be clear that bfloat16, fp16, and fp128 are simulated, this code does not use accelerators. -
GMRES-based iterative refinement has been first introduced in "A New Analysis of Iterative Refinement and Its Application to Accurate Solution of Ill-Conditioned Sparse Linear Systems" (Carson and Higham 2017)2 in two precisions to process ill-conditioned systems, LU-IR3 being more sensitive to the conditioning. This algorithm has been extended to five precisions in "Five-precision GMRES-based Iterative Refinement" (Amestoy et al. 2021)3Algorithm: GMRES-based iterative refinement in five precisions
Compute the LU factorization A = LU in precision (uf)
Initialize x0
while not converged do
Compute ri = b-Axi in precision (ur)
Solve U-1L-1Adi = ri by GMRES at precision (ug) with matrix-vector products with à = U-1L-1A computed at precision (up)
Compute xi+1 = xi + di in precision (u)
end while
This package provides the function itref
implementing LU-IR3 and GMRES-IR5. Here is the header of the function, except for A
and b
the other arguments are optional
function itref(A, b; # Matrix and right-hand side of the system
xexact = nothing, # Exact solution for err computation
F = nothing, # LU factors if already computed
nitmax = 20, # Nb max of IR iteration
bstop = eps(uw), # Stopping cond on the backward
fstop = nothing, # Stopping cond on the forward
verbose = true, # 'true': print errs; 'false': no print
tol = sqrt(eps(ug)), # Stopping cond in GMRES
isgmres = false, # 'true': GMRES; 'false': LU
uf = Float64, # Precision uf
uw = Float64, # Precision u
ur = Float64, # Precision ur
ug = uw, # Precision ug
up = ur # Precision up
Example 1: setup for GMRES-IR5 for computing a solution with a forward/backward errors of order 10-15, with GMRES solver in double precision except the preconditioning applied in quadruple precision, and a low tolerance. This is a good configuration for precision and robstness.
itref(A, b;
Example 2: setup for GMRES-IR5 for computing a solution with a forward/backward errors of order 10-15, with a full single precision GMRES solver. This is a good configuration for precision and tradeoff robustness/performance. When F
is provided, itref
does not compute the factorization itself and uses instead the LU factors provided. When xexact
and fstop
are not provided, the stopping condition of the algorithm is then only based on the backward error.
itref(A, b;
F = LUcomp,
Example 3: setup for LU-IR3 for computing a solution with a forward/backward errors of order 10-15, with a LU solver. This is a good configuration for precision and performance. Since tol
, up
, and ug
are parameters of the GMRES solver, when using LU it is useless to set them up.
itref(A, b;
Example 4: Calling itref(A, b)
applies a fixed double precision LU-based iterative refinement.
The function itref
returns the computed solution in precision (u), the backward and forward errors at each iteration, the total number of iterative refinement iterations for convergence, the cumulated number of GMRES iterations over the iterative refinement iterations, a boolean stating if the algorithm converges or not.
xw, bkws, fwds, nit, ngmresit, cvg = itref(A, b; ...);
1: Accelerating the Solution of Linear Systems by Iterative Refinement in Three Precisions
2: A New Analysis of Iterative Refinement and Its Application to Accurate Solution of Ill-Conditioned Sparse Linear Systems
3: Five-Precision GMRES-based iterative refinement
4: BFloat16s Julia package
5: Quadmath Julia package