Ionic/Cordova is adapted from the auto generated project by official ionic-cli command, $ ionic start
. Following modifications are applied:
- several new gulp tasks are added in gulpfile.js to perform js/css assets concatenation and minification.
- Bower_components folder is moved back to project root directory, src folder to place source files, www folder to place built files.
- wiredep, useref, uglify, minify-css in one gulp build task, the debug task uses the original assets.
- global dependencies:
$ npm install -g --save-dev ionic cordova gulp bower
- clone the repositry:
$ git clone
- local gulp:
$ npm install gulp
- install dependendies:
$ bower install && npm install
- debug your project
$ gulp debug
- add platforms
$ ionic platform add android
- test
$ ionic serve --lab
node-sass without Microsoft Visual Studio:
$ npm install node-sass --ignore-scripts
- set a new environment viriable SASS_BINARY_NAME
- copy the file to your %SASS_BINARY_NAME% folder
- release
$ gulp build
$ ionic build android
note: android version control in config.xml
<preference name="android-minSdkVersion" value="16"/>
<preference name="android-targetSdkVersion" value="17"/>
- Bumprat
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details