based on original spherical trigonometry scripts pack
import python_spheric as s
s.set_units('nm') #or 'km'(by default). Otherwise no changes been taken
is the "direct" geodesic issue, solve the coordinates of second point by given coordinates of first point, distance and azimuth,61,200,270) #latitude, longitude, distance, azimuth
will produce tuple of (latitude, longitude, reverse azimuth)
(54.95970446208453, 57.8662593013991, 87.43341127393373)
Is the "inverse" geodesic issue, solve the distance, azimuth and reverse azimuth between two points with assigned coordinates
s.inverse(55,61,54.9597,57.866) #latitude1, longitude1, latitude2, longitude2
will produce tuple of azimuth, reverse azimuth, distance
(270.0000703898066, 87.43326932644362, 200.01656014835072)
solves angular issue: return coordinates of third point of spherical triangle by given coordinates of two points and azimuths to third point from each of two points
s.angular(55,61,55,50,290,80) #latitude1, longitude1, latitude2, longitude2, azimuth_from_1_to_3, azimuth_from_2_to_3
(55.543913134236334, 58.20411810045331)
solves linear issue: return coordinates of third point of spherical triangle by given coordinates of two points and distances to third point from each of two points
s.linear(55,61,55,60,30,40,1) #latitude1, longitude1, latitude2, longitude2, distance_from_1_to_2, distance_from_2_to_3, 1: right of 1-2 line(CW), 0: left of 1-2 line (CCW)
(55.12911870348598, 60.586321710092335)
return distance between two points (as a part of inverse issue)
s.distance(55,61,54.9597,57.866) #latitude1, latitude2, longitude1, longitude2
return initial azimuth from first point to second point (as a part of inverse issue)
returns bearing (also known as reverse azimuth) from second to first point (as a part of inverse issue)
s.to_ivac(54.9597,'lat') #coords, type(lat or lon)
will produce IVAC2 format coordinate
and for "longitudes"
produce the decimal representation of given coordinate