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React Wooden Tree

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The tree can be used with redux and of course without it. With the correct usage of redux the tree renders the changes faster.

For detailed information visit the docs page: (and turn off inherited methods)



The component can be installed with npm:

npm install --save react-wooden-tree

or you can download manually from GitHub.

Basic usage

See the demo folder for the examples

  • App.tsx - This is the redux example
  • App-NonRedux.tsx

To start run npm install and then npm run start. It starts the demo application.

All the helper methods and definitions are documented on the docs page.

Data Structure

The tree accepts flat structured data but supplies function for conversion from hierarchical data.

Flat Data Structure

The structure used by the tree:

 * Defines the TreeDataType format
export interface TreeDataType {
    /** The key should be the same as nodeId */
    [key: string]: NodeProps;

 * Node properties interface.
export interface NodeProps {
    /** The node ID - Required */
    nodeId?: string;
    /** The text to display on node */
    text?: string;
    /** List of node ids of the node's children */
    nodes?: string[];
    /** The state of the node */
    state?: {
        checked?: boolean;
        disabled?: boolean;
        expanded?: boolean;
        selected?: boolean;
    checkable?: boolean;
    hideCheckbox?: boolean;

    selectable?: boolean;
    selectedIcon?: string;

    /** Inidcates if node is lazy loadable or not */
    lazyLoad?: boolean;
    /** If true, loading icon is showed, if null, then error icon is showed */
    loading?: boolean;

    /** Custom attribute field */
    attr?: {[key: string]: string};

    // Styling
    icon?: string;
    iconColor?: string;
    iconBackground?: string;
    image?: string;
    classes?: string;

State should be initialized with the Tree.initTree() function before use.

Hierarchical data structure

export interface HierarchicalNodeProps {
    nodeId?: string;
    nodes?: HierarchicalNodeProps[];
    /** Other props from NodeProps interface */
    [propTypes: string]: any;

This is more people friendly structure, where the hierarchy is maintained by nesting the objects. If you have a structure like this you do not need to initialize the nodeId but before usage you have to initialize the tree with Tree.initHierarchicalTree() and flatten it with te function Tree.convertHierarchicalTree().


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The component is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.