Telegram Bot for GnuCash.
I didn't like anything that brings GnuCash into my mobile device, so made this.
- GnuCash app with database as backend (MySQL / PostgreSQL)
- Anything that can be a server (VPS/your PC/Raspberry PI/Dedicated...)
- Docker (
or just clone sources and run
Create file with configuration (see below)
editor cashbot.env
Run the container from image
docker run --name cashbot --env-file cashbot.env -d brinza888/cashbot
Required configuration variables:
- BOT_TOKEN - Telegram Bot token; obtain it using @BotFather
- DATABASE_URI - Database URI (anything that is supported by piecash)
Optional configuration variables:
- USER_ID - Bot user ID; obtain it using @my_id_bot (you SHOULD set this to secure your financial data and prevent others to interact with bot!)
- READONLY - prevent any modification in GnuCash database (default to False)
- PER_PAGE - transactions count per one journal message in bot (default to 3)
- LANG_CODE - language code
- 'en' for English language (default),
- 'ru' for Russian language.
- LANG_FILE - file with i18n configuration. Use it with Docker bind mount to load custom language.
Feel free to open new issue in Issues section.
For bug reports:
- Describe everything, that can be useful for bug reproduction.
For questions:
- Describe everything, that can be useful to understanding your question.