This project contains the software to drive the wireless pixel project. The software is targetted at a number of different devices (e.g. ATTiny 85, Raspberry Pi and Arduino) so a cross compile image is also enabled using Vagrant.
The build environment has been tested on macOS Sierra (10.12), Windows 10 and Linux Mint Serena (18.1). To create the build environment the following software needs to be installed. Some OS software package management systems may deliver the required software, but they are often older versions, so it is recommended to follow the links and install the latest versions:
- Install Oracle VirtualBox
- Install VirtualBox extension pack
- Install Vagrant
- Install the plugin to allow synced folder to work. From a command line enter :
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
- if getting an issue regarding user uid differences edit file
and set content to0
- to access ssh need to install Git or Cygwin and run from the command window that has access to the ssh command, such as Git bash or cygwin terminal window.
- VirtualBox can be installed from the software manager, but Vagrant needs to be installed from the linked site otherwise the plugin will fail to install and the virtual machine will fail to build
- if getting an issue regarding user uid differences edit file
and set content to your user id (default is 1000) - Must install NFS sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server nfs-common portmap
Vagrant handles the complexities of creating a virtual machine and syncing a local folder into the virtual machine. This allows code to be edited using native OS using a preferred editor then running the compiler inside the cross-compile environment.
To create the cross-compile environment open a command line or terminal and enter the following command:
vagrant up
This will create a new virtual machine based on Debian Jessie. It will install updates and some additional packages then install the ARM cross-compile toolchain and then create the AVR toolchain (this will be downloaded as source and compiled). When the cross-compile environment is initially created it may take a little time.
The following commands must be run from the directory containing the Vagrantfile.
The host directory containing the Vagrantfile is synced to the /vagrant directory inside the cross-compile virtual machine.
vagrant ssh
Will enter the virtual machine.exit
will return to the host command line.vagrant suspend
will sleep the virtual machine. It can be restarted usingvagrant up
.vagrant halt
will shutdown the virtual machine. It can be restarted usingvagrant up
.vagrant destroy
will erase the virtual machine. It will need to be recreated withvagrant up
which will take some time again.
When starting, stopping and destroying the cross compile virtual machine the content of the synced folder is not changed or deleted.
When the cross-compile virtual machine is initially created it will automatically compile all the software in the project.
If you want to recompile you need to ensure the virtual machine is running (vagrant up
) then enter the virtual machine (vagrant ssh
Once logged into the cross-compile virtual machine navigate to the synced directory (cd /vagrant)
To compile the software enter the command make all