Tracks a users bingo progress, all users poll the status of each other and are notified when there's a winner!
Line 12123 in
is commented out purposefully
- Blue: #406ba0
- Red/Pink: #e7284e
- Gray: #1b1e21
- Darker Gray: #181818
Depending on the method you choose you may need to update the various config files (i.e., nginx) to ensure that the correct ports are detailed.
- Build the app using the dockerfile. The -t is th tag.
docker build -t bingo .
- Run the application
docker run -d --name bingo -p 8050:5000 -u 1000:1000 -v /mnt/docker/bingo/app:/app bingo
- Verify the container is running
docker ps -a
- View the container logs if necessary
docker logs bingo
python -m venv venv
on Windows orsource venv/bin/activate
on Linuxpip install -r requirements.txt
dnf install httpd-tools
htpasswd -c /etc/nginx/.htpasswd test
- username is test- Add the following lines to the nginx config
auth_basic "Restricted Content";
auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/.htpasswd;
- Copy the contents of systemd_unit_file.service to
- Ensure directories are correct based on the location you setup the application
systemctl start bingo