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Svelte Standalone

Svelte Standalone is a CLI tool that simplifies bundling Svelte components into standalone JavaScript files. It has opt-in support for Tailwind, TypeScript, and Storybook, making it simple to integrate to your workflow.

Why Use Svelte Standalone?

  • Bundle Svelte Components: Uses Vite and @sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte to bundle components into standalone scripts.
  • Optional Features: Choose what you need—Tailwind, TypeScript, or Storybook.
  • Reactive Components: Leverages Svelte's reactivity to create light but powerfull embedabbles.
  • No Tooling Hassle: Handles minification, CSS purging, and boilerplate generation.
  • Shareable Components: Reuse styles and logic with a special runtime component.
  • Cross Plataform Support: Supports your favorite OS or npm package.


Install the CLI globally or locally:

npm install svelte-standalone

For Svelte 5 (beta):

npm install svelte-standalone@beta


1. Create a Component

Run the create command to generate a new standalone component:

npx standalone create

You'll be prompted to:

  1. Name your component (e.g., payments).
  2. Choose an embedding strategy:
    • Explicit Call (Single Instance): Start with window.payments.start().
    • Explicit Call (Multiple Instances): Start with window.payments.start() and mount multiple instances.
    • Auto-Embed with Target: Automatically append to a target <div>.
    • Auto-Embed on Body: Automatically append to the <body>.

This will generate the following files in src/_standalone/payments/:

  • index.svelte: The main Svelte component.
  • embed.ts (or embed.js): Embedding logic based on your chosen strategy.
  • config.ts (or config.js): Default configuration for the component.

2. Build the Component

Once your component is created, build it into a standalone script:

npx standalone build

Build Options:

  • Production Build: Minify and optimize for production.
    npx standalone build --production
  • Build All Components: Build all standalone components at once.
    npx standalone build --all
  • Strip Runtime: Bundle shared styles directly into components (excludes the runtime component).
    npx standalone build --strip-runtime

The output will be saved in static/dist/standalone/:

  • payments.min.js: The standalone JavaScript file.
  • payments.status.html: A visualization of the bundle.

3. Use the Component

Include the generated script in your HTML:

<script src="/path/to/payments.min.js"></script>

Example Usage:

  • For Explicit Call:
    	/* props */
  • For Auto-Embed:
    <div id="payments"></div>
    <script src="/path/to/payments.min.js?target=payments"></script>

Runtime Component

The runtime is a special component (runtime, $runtime, or +runtime) used to encapsulate styles or logic across multiple standalone components.

Why should I include a runtime?

  • Include styles once: You can include your styles from src/shared once within your runtime component.
  • Setup your embedabbles: You can run methods required to your cards just at your runtime. i.e. authenticate once and retrieve at other embedabbles.

Create a Runtime Component:

npx standalone create

When prompted for the component name, enter runtime, $runtime, or +runtime.

Ignore runtime:

By default, the styles from src/shared folder are included across the runtime component during builds. Use the --strip-runtime flag to bundle styles from the src/styles folder directly into each component:

npx standalone build --strip-runtime


Check out the demo to see it in action!


MIT © 2024 Breno Lira