This sample serves as an introduction to the mapp Robotics tracking technology with a Codian D5 robot.
- multible mappMotion features are used in the demo
- Tracking on products out of workspace
- Product load switching
- Pick&place with Multigripper
- Automatic scene generation for Scene Viewer 6.x
- Automation Studio/Runtime 6.x
- mapp Motion 6.2
- Scene Viewer 6.1.x
- Download the last release↑ of project and open with AS
- Enable simulation, build and transfer the project. Wait for RUN.
- Open a watch window and use the ::ControlPanel:Input structure to start different scenarios
- Watch the action in Scene Viewer (User & Password: gmctest)
To select an application add the variable ControlPanel to the watch window.
The NC Programs ( are located directly in the project folder root. The file device reference is set to the FileDevices folder.
The application example includes a Pick and Place application which takes products from an infeed belt and places them on an outfeed belt. With a Codian D5 robot the orientation of the products changes.
MaxPickPosX := 600;
MinPickPosX := 0;
MaxPlacePosX := 600;
MinPlacePosX := 100;
Feedrate(15000); // default feedrate non rapid
SetPCS(MachineFrame); // reset frame in case of restart
MoveLR(ParkPos); // move to par position
InTracking := FALSE;
IF PickTrackingObject <> 0 THEN // A product is in area of interest, lets start
InTracking := TRUE; // Flag indication of tracking mode
ActObj ACCESS PickTrackingObject; // Access the pointer structure of an object
TrackObjectR(ActObj.TrackingFrameID, TakePosUpSync, 50, 50); // Move to the take position
MoveLR(TakePos1Down); // Move from upper position to the height where the product is grapped
AccuracyHold(); // Simulate Grabber close time
SetProductLoad('ProductLoad_1'); // Change dynamic parameter
SetM(8); // Take the product
WaitUntilSync(PickTrackingObject <> ADR(ActObj)); // Wait until the next place slot is avaliable --> here is no fallback to track stop!
MoveLR(TakePos1Up); // lift the product
WaitUntil(PickTrackingObject <> 0);
ActObj ACCESS PickTrackingObject; // Access the pointer structure of an object
TrackObjectR(ActObj.TrackingFrameID, TakePos2Up, 50, 50); // Move to the take position
MoveLR(TakePos2Down); // Move from upper position to the height where the product may be grapped
AccuracyHold(); // Simulate Grabber close time
SetProductLoad('ProductLoad_2'); // Change dynamic parameter
SetM(9); // Take the product
WaitALAP(); // wait here to select box target
MoveLR(TakePos3Up); // lift the product
IF PlaceTrackingObject = 0 THEN
TrackStopR(MachineFrame, ParkPos, 50, 50); // Call and wait for a box if nothing is there
WaitUntilSync(PlaceTrackingObject <> 0); // clear motion chain and wait
ActObj ACCESS PlaceTrackingObject; // Change reference to get frame ID
TrackObjectR(ActObj.TrackingFrameID, SynchPosUpPlace1, 50, 50); // Start positoin to place first element
SetM(20); // Disable Workspace Monitoring
MoveLR(SynchPosDownPlace1); // Move inside the box
MoveL(SynchPosDownPlace1_1); // Move to place position of element 1
WaitTime(0.2); // Simulate Grabber open time
SetProductLoad('ProductLoad_1'); // Change dynamic parameter
SetM(17); // place the product
MoveL(SynchPosDownPlace1); // move back to inside box position
MoveLR(SynchPosUpPlace1); // Move to outside box position
MoveL(SynchPosUpPlace2); // Change orientation to place next product
MoveL(SynchPosDownPlace2); // Move inside the box
MoveL(SynchPosDownPlace2_1); // place element 2
WaitTime(0.2); // Simulate Grabber open time
SetM(16); // place the product
MoveL(SynchPosDownPlace2); // move back to inside start position
MoveLR(SynchPosUpPlace2); // move to outside box position
SetM(21); // Enable Workspace Monitoring
IF InTracking THEN
TrackStopR(MachineFrame, ParkPos, 50, 50); // Call a track stop to move to an BCS park position
InTracking := FALSE; // Flag indication of tracking mode
MoveLR(ParkPos); // Move to park position
WaitEndMove(); // Be sure that the movement has been stopped
WaitIp(); // wait until next product is avaliable