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ralphhanna edited this page Dec 18, 2023 · 2 revisions

Invoking Proccess through API

To Invoke a process from your code:

    const { configuration }  = require('../configuration.js');
    const { BPMNServer, Logger } = require('bpmn-server');

    const logger = new Logger({ toConsole: true });

    const server = new BPMNServer(configuration, logger);

    const api = new BPMNAPI(server));

    let response=await api.engine.start('Leave Request',{type:'Vacation'},SystemUser);

    const items = response.items.filter(item => {
        return (item.status == 'wait');

    items.forEach(item => {
        console.log(`  waiting for <${}> -<${item.elementId}> id: <${}> `);

    console.log('Invoking Buy');

    response = await api.engine.invoke({instanceId:, elementId: 'task_Buy' },
        { model: 'Thunderbird', needsRepairs: false, needsCleaning: false },SystemUser);

    console.log("Ready to drive");

    response = await api.engine.invoke({ instanceId:, elementId: 'task_Drive' },{},SsytemUser);

    console.log(`that is it!, process is now complete status=<${response.execution.status}>`)

Async Execution

    const api = new BPMNAPI(new BPMNServer(configuration,new Logger({ toConsole: false}),{cron:false}));

    console.log('starting serviceTask');
    let response=await api.engine.start('serviceTask', { v1: 1, v2: 2 }, SystemUser, {noWait:true});

    console.log('immediate response id',;

In the above example; engine.start return immediatly, but other nodes will continue to execute

starting serviceTask
immediate response id d7df99ab-f0b5-4fdf-8ac3-2701d0bf9b79
 add service start: { v1: 1, v2: 2 }
Add Service 5 3
Add Service 33 25
delaying ... 5000
delayed is done.
appDelegate service1 is now complete input: { repeat: '100', inputVar2: undefined } output: 1 { v1: 1, v2: 2, result: 8, result2: 158 }
 service1 end: { v1: 1, v2: 2, result: 8, result2: 158 }

Process Definitions Examples

Service Task

In Process definition (.bpmn file), use implementation attribute to define name of JavaScript/TypeScript Method to perform the Task:

Using Modeler

    <bpmn:serviceTask id="serviceTask" name="Service Task" implementation="service1">
class AppServices {

    // for services that are not defined
    async serviceCalled(item) {
    async service1(item) {
        await delay(3000 -(seq * 100) , 'test');
        item.log("SERVICE 1" +;

Script Task

Using Modeler

    <bpmn2:scriptTask id="Activity_06typtl" name="script" scriptFormat="JavaScript">
       this.log('testing from &lt;testing&gt; the inside: '+data.loopKey);

Conditional Flow

Using Modeler


   <bpmn:conditionExpression xsi:type="bpmn:tFormalExpression" language="JavaScript">

Form Input Fields

Using Modeler

    <bpmn:userTask id="task_Buy" name="Buy">
          <camunda:formField id="needsRepairs" label="Repairs Required?" type="boolean" />
          <camunda:formField id="needsCleaning" label="Cleaning Required?" type="boolean" />

Multiple Start Event

Image description

When a definition/process has multiple start node, you need to specify the start node when starting the process:

From the Web UI:

Image description

From API:

    response = await api.engine.start('invoice', 
        { reminderCounter: 0, caseId: caseId}, user, {startNodeId:'StartEvent_AP'});

Business Rule Task

BPMN-Server supports Business Rules implemented through DMN-Engine Business Rules can be defined as a Decision Table as in this example:

Vacation Decision Table

Decision Table is called through

    <bpmn2:businessRuleTask id="Task_1lcamp6" name="Vacation"  camunda:decisionRef="Vacation">

This will load the file 'Vacation.json' form the Processes folder as defined in configuration.js

Script Extensions

Scripts can be added to listen to two events:

  • Start before the Task is executed
  • End after the task is executed

Using Modeler

In this example we are adding a script to bpmn:startEvent

      <camunda:executionListener event="start">
        <camunda:script scriptFormat="JavaScript">
           console.log("This is the start event");

      <camunda:executionListener event="end">
        <camunda:script scriptFormat="JavaScript">
          console.log("This is the end event");          



Timer Event

Using Modeler

    <bpmn:intermediateCatchEvent id="Event_timer">
      <bpmn:timerEventDefinition id="TimerEventDefinition_07xu06a">
        <bpmn:timeDuration xsi:type="bpmn:tExpression">PT2S</bpmn:timeDuration>

More on timers

Multi-instances Tasks

Using Modeler

    <bpmn:scriptTask id="scriptTask" name="Script Task">
      <bpmn:multiInstanceLoopCharacteristics isSequential="true" 
        camunda:collection="$(data.records)" />
      <bpmn:script><![CDATA[this.log('testing from the inside: '+data.loopKey);]]></bpmn:script>

For Multi-instance data handling see

Call Process

Using Modeler

    <bpmn:callActivity id="activity_call" name="Call Task" calledElement="loop">

In the above example 'loop' is the name of process to be called.

Message Flow

Throwing and Cathcing Messages

In this example, we will demonstrate how can two seperate processes communicate through "Messages"

Using Modeler

1 Throw a message with data

When a process throw a message, bpmn-server checks if there is another process that can catch this message before dispatching it to AppDelegate.

    <bpmn2:intermediateThrowEvent id="throw_msg1" name="msg1">
      <bpmn2:messageEventDefinition id="messageEventDef1" messageRef="Msg1" />
        <camunda:script event="start"><![CDATA[
        input.caseId= data.caseId;
        this.messageMatchingKey={'data.caseId': data.caseId };

The above will through a messsage as follows:

  • Message Id: Msg1
  • Message Output: caseId: <someValue>

2 Catch a message with data

The second process defines a start event to catch the message Msg1

    <bpmn2:startEvent id="StartEvent_1w66wpl" name="msg1">
      <bpmn2:messageEventDefinition id="messageEventDef4" messageRef="Msg1" />

Therefore, the system will create a new instance of the second process and assign the Message output data, namely, the caseId

3 Throw a message with data and a Key

In addition, the second process sends a confirmation message Confirm1 to the first process

    <bpmn2:intermediateThrowEvent id="throw_confirm1" name="confirm1">
      <bpmn2:messageEventDefinition id="messageEventDef2" messageRef="Confirm1" />
        <camunda:script event="transformOutput"><![CDATA[

        this.context.messageMatchingKey={'data.caseId': };


Howerver, the challenge here is that make sure the message is sent to the specific instance, that is where the Matching key is used

  • Message Id: Confirm1
  • Message Output: confirm: true
  • Message Matching Keyt: 'data.caseId':

Image description

Input and Output Data Handling

this for details

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