This a drop in replacement for the Redis module, using Aerospike as Database.
Register the redis.lua module into Aerospike
register module 'redis.lua'
You must have the aerospike php module.
In your PHP code, instead of creating a Redis class, create an Aeropsike Redis class :
$config = array("hosts" => array(array("addr" => $host, "port" => 3000)));
$db = new Aerospike($config, false);
$r = new AerospikeRedis($db, "namespace", "set");
can be used as an Redis object.
The namespace must exists in Aerospike config.
- get / set / setex
- del / delete
- ttl / setTimeout
- lpush / push / rpop / lpop
- lSize
- ltrim / lRange
- flushdb (using scan, poor performance)
- hSet / hGet / hDel (keys length must be < 14 chars, bin names limitation in aerospike)
- hmSet / hmGet
- hGetAll (key order is different from the redis implementation)
can be run against Redis or Aerospike.
Against Redis :
USE_REDIS=1 php tests.php
Against Aerospike :
php tests.php
HOST=my_aerospike_ip php tests.php