- Open Movie DataBase - https://www.omdbapi.com/
- Bootstrap - https://getbootstrap.com/
- json-server - https://www.npmjs.com/package/json-server
NOTE: When testing the server with VS Code and Live Web Server, We noticed page reloads after updating to the back end. At first, I thought it was because of a flaw in our code, or a missing event.preventDefault. After a good amount of time relooking all the code, a search at Stack Overflow yielded the result. "I got to the bottom of this. It turns out that the problem was due to VS Live Server which was detecting a change in the folder and hot-loading the app. The change was due to the backend, in the same folder, saving a log. Really silly thing to miss..."
HTTP-SERVER : A globally installed npm package can be installed to run a local http web server that doesn't perform with the same reload due to file changes in the structure.
- npm install --global http-server
- http-server
For each project aspect below, a grade of 0, 0.5, or 1 will be assigned. Each aspect represents 10% of the total possible grade.
- 0 - mostly incomplete or not present
- 0.5 - partially completed
- 1 - mostly or fully complete
___ both team members speak about their contributions (one team member speaks for both if teammate is absent)
___ code formatted and documented consistently, i.e. use of whitespace and comments
___ project is well-organized
- external style sheets and scripts only (no inline CSS or JS in HTML file)
- separate folders for scripts, style sheets, and assets
- non-functioning (commented out) code has been removed
___ JS best practices followed
- clearly named ids and variable names
- strict mode enabled and code wrapped in IIFE
- code mostly abstracted into smaller functions (under 15 lines)
_ loading message present when movies are loading _ movies can be added _ movies can be updated _ movies can be deleted _ implementation of at least two of the suggested additional features _ project cohesively styled (clean layout, professional-looking UI)