Basic Arduino code for connecting ESP8266 to Sonos systems.
Right now there is one sketch which provides a web interface for connecting the ESP8266 to a wifi network, and one sketch that just reads the current volume of a Sonos divice.
This project has evolved into and
- Connect the ESP8266 to power, and connect a pushbutton between ground and input pin D6. Internal pullup is used, no external resistor needed
- The ESP tries to connect to last known network. If it works, the built in led will turn off, but give a short blink every 15th second to indicate it is alive
- If it does not succed the ESP goes to configure state for two minutes after failed connection attempt. The ESP can also be taken to configure state at any time by pressing the button
- When the ESP is configure state: The built in led will start blinking 5 blinks per soecond and the ESP is now a wifi access point with SSID=configure
- Connect a computer to the wifi network "configure"
- Open a browser and go to
- Enter ssid and password in webform and connect. The led blinks a little slower
- A messege should appear if you succeeded or not.
- If you succeeded, the ESP leaves configure state and is now connected
- If you did not succeed you can try again
- If you pressed the button accidentally, you can press it again to leave configure mode
- If it the ESP did not succeed in connecting to a network, the built in led will turn on, and give a short blink every 15th second
- OFF with short blink every 15th second: connected
- ON with short blink every 15th second: not connected
- Blinking 5 blinks per second: ESP in configuration mode. Network ssid and password can be configured through web browser
- Blinking a little slower: ESP is trying to connect
- Test the sonsos discover part with several sonos devices
- Merge sonoscontrol and connecttoaccesspoint into one file
Enter AP for two minutes after power up to enable configuration without buttonAdd rotational encoder for volume setting
Much help and inspiration found here:
- - very basic connection manager that lacks some vital parts
- ESP8266 WiFi Connection manager with web captive portal. Works well but I didn't want the captive portal
- A simple arduino sonos pause swich that showed me the basics
- a nice sonos php library that I based my arduino functions on
- Another esp8266 sonos example with code for discovering sonos devices
- Yet another well working sonos ESP library