Title | URL | Description |
Website | | The main website. |
Web App | | The customenu mobile app. |
Admin | | The admin app where the customers manage their menu. |
Proxy Manager Nginx | | Used to manage subdomain, nginx configuration, redirects, 404 page, etc. |
Portainer | | Manage docker containers, statistics, processes and usage. |
Linode Cloud | | The server and object storage is handled using Linode. |
Hostico Host+Domain | | The host of the website, domain, email and cPanel. |
Instagram account | | The instagram profile. |
Facebook account | | The Facebook profile. |
Start databse within docker, don't worry data is persistent.
docker-compose --env-file .env -p customenu -f docker/docker-compose.yml -f docker/ up --build
Start api
cd api
npm i
npm start
Start app
cd app
npm i
npm run serve
Start admin
cd admin
npm i
npm run serve
ssh [email protected]<<'EOL'
cd customenu/ && \
sh bin/
cp .env.example .env
Now modify the env file content.
Once you finished with .env file, execute
sh bin/
Open localhost:9000 and pickup the username and password then press Create User.
Open http://localhost:81 and login using the default credentials:
Email: [email protected]
Password: changeme
Then you have to enter the old password and set a new email and password.
For more instructions check the official documentation
cd api/src/database
npx sequelize db:seed:all --config=config/config.js
If you encounter issues with the current docker compose, I prepared a script to force rebuild with no cache
sh bin/
Install linodecli and configure the server.
Setup the cronjob
crontab -e
by adding at the end of the file this:
0 2 * * * /bin/bash /root/customenu/bin/
This will run the script every day at 02:00 UTC.
Remove all stopped containers, networks not used by at least one container, dangling images, dangling build cache
docker system prune