Some command line sh wrappers around REST commands I find useful for ElasticSearch.
Some of them loop, giving you a little text based monitoring screen.
Set $ESCLUSTER in your environment to the URL you need to use. Otherwise, will default to http://localhost:9200
- esgethealth - Display overall health of cluster. Much ligher/faster than esnodeshards
- esgetnodes - Display assorted details of each node, such as disk and cpu usage
- esgetsettings - Dump ALL the cluster settings to stdout
- esgettemplates - Get templated values for indexes
- esmoveshard - Move ONE shard from one node to another. Mostly just a component of esmoveshards.
- esmoveshards - Move a fixed number of shards off one node to another node
- esnodeshards - Display per-node shards info. Use -v for details
- essetvalue - More easily set things like cluster.routing.allocation.exclude._ip
- essetshardallocation - Convenience toggle for clusterside cluster.routing.allocation.enable value
Sample output from esnodeshards -v:
> ...Querying... NORM INIT RELOC > sysdata01-cor 1038 > sysdata02-cor 1228 3 > sysdata03-cor 1038 > sysdata04-cor 1188 2 > sysdata05-cor 1036 > sysdata06-cor 1212 5 > sysdata07-cor 1035 1 > sysdata08-cor 1220 7 > -- UNASSIGNED == 0