This is the main repository for the National Data Service Labs Workbench service.
Labs Workbench is an experimental space for evaluating, developing, and exploring interoperability between research data management services. This is achieved through the use of applications containerized with Docker, Kubernetes for container orchestration, deployed on an OpenStack cluster.
For more information, see the architecture documentation.
On top of this foundation, NDS Labs provides a user interface, command line interface, and an API server used to manage the configuration and deployment of containerized services. This repository includes the following:
- apiserver: REST API server, a thin management layer over etcd and Kubernetes as well as the ndslabsctl command line utility
- gui: Project management UI implemented in AngularJS
The Labs Workbench includes a catalog of service specifications managed via the ndslabs-specs repository. The catalog currenty contains over 50 services (and growing).
The Labs Workbench is a hosted service and is not intended for installation. For Labs Workbench developers, it is possible to run the complete system on a single virtual machine or laptop.
- To run a development copy of Labs Workbench, see
- To deploy Labs Workbench via Ansible on an OpenStack cluster, see
For more information on our Developer Workflows, see Developer Workflows.
In short, fork this repository and make a pull request. We will review and give feedback.