Copy akep-framework\src\framework\akep.cfg.sample to akep-framework\src\framework\akep.cfg
CONF_PATH: Local config file. (str, opt, def='./akep.local.cfg')
LOG_PATH: Main log file path, and all log file will store to this path. (str, req, def='./log/akep.log')
ECERCISE_SCHEMA_PATH: Task desctiption file schema (str,req,def='../schema/akep-exercises.xsd')
CHANNEL_INPUT_SCHEMA_PATH: AKÉP Task channel output schema file (str, opt, def: '../schema/akep-XMLChannel.xsd')
- Run the above command. (IF AKÉP does not find akep.cfg, will be terminated)
- akep.cfg has port, and interface to configure the AKÉP socket listening
- Send a command to this socket with e.g. nc localhost 5555
- Task submission in JSON object:
{"ownerID":"user","exerciseID":"id to exercisesPath/exercise.ID.xml","solutionDir":"the target strudent solution file path"}
- Socket close: AKÉP will close socket automatic after send the result in this socket.
- "host":"interface",
- "port": port,
- "exercisesPath":"Task desctiption file path",
- "notCopyFromDescrtiption":["script","info","exerciseKeys"] -> ezeket a tag-eket nem teszi bele az értékelés utáni kimenetbe a feladatleíróból }
Detailed description coming soon...