A Python interface to Vericast. Vericast is a global music identification service that monitors millions of songs over 2000 radios and televisions across more than 50 countries worldwide.
Where is Madonna broadcast more?
import pycast
madonna = pycast.Artist('Madonna', 'YOUR_USER_HERE', 'YOUR_KEY_HERE')
channels = madonna.get_top_channels()
for channel in channels:
print channel
What songs were played in "BBC radio 1" last month?
import pycast
bbc = pycast.Channel('gb-radio-bbc-radio-1----------01', 'YOUR_USER_HERE', 'YOUR_KEY_HERE')
songs = bbc.get_top_tracks(period=pycast.month)
from song in songs:
print song
What are the most famous artists in BCore label?
import pycast
bcore = pycast.Label('BCore', 'YOUR_USER_HERE', 'YOUR_KEY_HERE')
artists = bcore.get_top_artists(period=pycast.WEEK)
from artist in artists:
print artist
What is the weekly chart for tracks?
import pycast
import datetime
chart = pycast.Chart(
period=pycast.WEEK, toDate=datetime.date(2012, 3, 4),
tracks = pycast.get_top_tracks()
for track in tracks:
print track