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Service for distribution apk.


  • Saving apk and mapping files
  • Apk information hook service
  • Inquire for apk information
  • APK Downloaded
  • Confusing information recovery


Bluefin Server based on Spring Boot development and use Maven for building. So be sure to run the machine installed Java environment, Maven environment, if you need to restore the confusing information, but also need to configure the ANDROID_HOME environment variable.

Parameter Configuration

Bluefin addition to parameters that can be configured through Spring Boot configuration files, the specific parameters for Bluefin, while supporting the configuration file and environment variables in two ways, since most of the parameters have default values, so even if you do not configure any parameters to be use most features of Bluefin.

The weight of the order parameter values as follows:

Profiles > Environment Variables > Defaults

For more information about the parameters, see the table below:

Name Profile Name Environment Name Default Explanation
host server.address BLUEFIN_SERVER_HOST host IP/ bluefin host
port server.port BLUEFIN_SERVER_PORT 2556 bluefin port
base url output.baseurl BLUEFIN_BASE_URL host:port Root url address publicly defined, when Docker deploy or use Nginx like port forwarding service, must pay attention to the definition of the value , apk's download url will be based on the value
store apk path filestore.path BLUEFIN_FILE_STORE_PATH .bluefin file folder under the user's directory the path to save mapping and apk file, which is the core directory Bluefin
store tmp path filestore.tmp BLUEFIN_FILE_TMP_PATH .bluefin/tmp file folder under the user's directory use to store temporary files which generated by parsing apk or retrace
android sdk home android.sdk.home ANDROID_HOME Android sdk directory, used to obtain the trace file
hook urls hook.upload.apk.urls BLUEFIN_HOOK_URLS hook callback address when apk parsing flow finished , multiple addresses is supported, use , to separated

Run with maven

  • If you clone the source, run in the source directory

      mvn  spring-boot:run

Default will open Bluefin services with port 2556 in current machine.

Run with Docker

docker run -it -p 2556:2556 -v $(pwd):/root saymagic/bluefin:v1.0.4


  • Package name and id co-locate a apk file, different apk should define different id, Bluefin would parses AndroidManifest.xml file and the name of bluefinidentify in meta-data label , the value would be as the id, generally recommended using the timestamp as the id and dynamically to modify this value at the time of packaging. If bluefinidentify label does not exist, Bluefin use this apk's version code as id, such harm would be covered relationship when package a same version multiple times.

  • Bluefin would parses AndroidManifest.xml file and the name of bluefinUpdateInfo in meta-data label , the value would be as the update information,If the value exists, the value would return when you call query interface.

  • Bluefin would parses AndroidManifest.xml file and the name of bluefinExtData in meta-data label , the value would be as the additional information,If the value exists, the value would return when you call query interface.




  • Clean up the data in tmp folder

  • Internal procedures to resolve confusion information

