Arescan v 1.0
Arescan is a powerful web directory discovery tool that helps you uncover hidden directories and links on any website. By performing a breadth-first search, it efficiently scans websites and collects useful information that can be utilized for web security assessment, bug bounty hunting, or simply discovering new pages. With features like accelerated scanning performance, comprehensive link examination, and advanced HTML processing, Arescan is a must-have tool for anyone interested in web application security testing.
In version 1.0, Arescan supports basic functionality for scanning websites and outputting discovered URLs. Users can specify a base URL to scan and an optional wordlist for directory discovery. Arescan will perform a breadth-first search for directories, displaying discovered URLs with their corresponding HTTP status codes. Once the scan is complete, Arescan will display a list of all found URLs within the target domain. Arescan is released under the MIT License.