Simple class to measure optimization or to find bottlenecks in your codebase.
As for now: Works on Mac. Not yet tested in Linux distributions. Not yet implemented support for Windows.
gem install fiddlesticks
Gem File
gem 'fiddlesticks', '~> 0.2.0'
optimize =
optimize.measure do
100000.times do
"SOME STRING".downcase
The measure method will accept a block and print a table with usefull information that may help when optimizing your code.
| Ruby Version | GC | GC Sweeps | Total Memory | Memory Used | Time |
| 2.4.0 | enabled | 32 | 16.00 GB | 1936.08 MB | 1.37 Seconds |
If you want to print out memory in different formats user configure method. It accepts a Hash with the keys:
- total_memory: [Symbol] format: ':kb', ':mb', ':gb', standard ':gb'
- used_memory: [Symbol] format: ':kb', ':mb', ':gb', standard ':mb'
- gc_enabled: [Boolean] format: 'true, 'false', standard 'true'
optimize =
optimize.configure({total_memory: :mb, used_memory: :kb, gc_enabled: false })
optimize.measure do
#run a block of code
Will support Mac, Linux and Windows once the project is completed.