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A simple html templating system with HTML-only templates, and only a few php commands.

It is scripting language agnostic and display language agnostic. You will have to know only 3 structure :

  • block : used to display none, one or many times a piece of code
  • var : used to display a value (optionnaly filtered)
  • import : used to import template from another file


It's recommended that you use Composer to install this lib.

composer require bixev/light-html-template "~1.0"

This will install this library and all required dependencies.

so each of your php scripts need to require composer autoload file


require 'vendor/autoload.php';


HTML template

Your .html templates (or string) can only contain HTML and <bloc> / {var} to work.

Your php views will deal with conditions, loops and more

HTML content (into a .html template file, or into a string var from php) :

Before first bloc {{var1 | unknownFunction}}
{{ unknownVar }}{{unknownVar | unknownFunction}}

    first bloc start {{var1}}

        content of second bloc with {{var}}
            content of 5th bloc with {{ var }}

    first bloc middle {{var3 }}

    {{ bloc:myThirdBloc }}
        content of third bloc with {{var}}

        content of 4th bloc with {{var}}
    {{ endbloc:my4thBloc }}

    first bloc end {{ var3}}

After first bloc {{var1}}

php content (your php view) :

$tpl = \Bixev\LightHtmlTemplate\Factory::newTemplateFromString($template);
        'var1'        => 'testVal1',
        'myFirstBloc' => [
            'var1'         => 'testFirst1',
            'var2'         => 'testFirst2',
            'var3'         => 'testFirst3',
            'mySecondBloc' => [
                'var'       => 'testSecond',
                'my5thBloc' => [
                    ['var' => 'test4th',],
                    ['var' => 'test5th',],
            'myThirdBloc'  => [
                ['var' => 'testThird1',],
                ['var' => 'testThird2',],
$result = $tpl->render();

echo $result;

This will result in

Before first bloc testVal1

    first bloc start testFirst1

        content of second bloc with testSecond

            content of 5th bloc with test4th

            content of 5th bloc with test5th

    first bloc middle testFirst3

        content of third bloc with testThird1

        content of third bloc with testThird2

    first bloc end testFirst3

After first bloc testVal1


vendor/bin/phpunit --bootstrap vendor/autoload.php ./test/BixevTest/LightHtmlTemplateTest/TplTest.php