This library helps you to deal with FirePHP and ChromePHP logging
This is like vardump, but into the console, so it does not break the flow.
Ajax compliant ;)
It's recommended that you use Composer to install InterventionSDK.
composer require bixev/firelog "~1.0"
This will install this library and all required dependencies.
so each of your php scripts need to require composer autoload file
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
Requires Firebug
under Firefox : tools > modules > extensions > look for "FirePHP"
You need then to activate all firebug pannels
Manual :
Install the extension :
you need to activate the extension by clicking the button in chrome
Manual :
simply call the method
\Bixev\Firelog\Firelog::log($yourObject, $label);
\Bixev\Firelog\Firelog::log($yourObject, $label, \Bixev\Firelog\LoggerLevel::LEVEL_WARN);
Go into the browser console, you will see your logs
You get your object.
ChromePHP uses cookies, Firephp uses multiple headers.
FirePHP supports bigger objects. In Chrome you will see too big headers
in the console if you log too big objects. In that case Firefox should give you correct log.