Event based mailing system: support multi-language, secured by cryptographic signatures
- Ruby version:
- Bundler preinstalled
- Connection to Barong database
- Configured RabbitMQ
- Install RubyGems dependencies
bundle install
- Configure barong and bitzlato databases (default barong_development and bitzlato_development)
export DATABASE_NAME=barong_development
export BITZLATO_DATABASE_NAME=bitzlato_development
- Configure RabbitMQ connection url (default - amqp://guest:guest@localhost:567)
export MAILER_EVENT_API_RABBITMQ_URL=amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672
- Start demon
bundle exec ./bin/mailer run
- For preview emails use mailcatcher
gem install mailcatcher
and open
- Running tests
RAILS_ENV=test rake db:drop db:create db:schema:load
bundle exec rake
Variables list
- PEATIO_JWT_PUBLIC_KEY - peatio jwt public key
- BARONG_JWT_PUBLIC_KEY - barong jwt public key
- DATABASE_URL - url for database connection in stage and production environment (example: 'postgresql://')
- BITZLATO_DATABASE_URL - url for bitzlato database connection (example: 'postgresql://')
- DATABASE_NAME - name of database, used in development and test environment (example: 'barong_development')
- BUGSNAG_API_KEY - Notifier API key from bugsnag (example: QWE1234567890)
- MAILER_EVENT_API_RABBITMQ_URL - (example: amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672)
- MAILER_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE - default language for emails, default en
- MAILER_SENDER_EMAIL - FROM field email, default [email protected]
- MAILER_SENDER_NAME - FROM field name, default Barong
- MAILER_SMTP_PASSWORD - smtp setting password
- MAILER_SMTP_PORT - smtp setting port
- MAILER_SMTP_HOST - smtp setting host
- MAILER_SMTP_USER - smtp setting user