Initially forked from here. Thank you to the awesome binder team!
Part of the Bioinformatics Virtual Coordination Network :)
Enter the first direcotry
cd interspecies_example//
Align the FASTA amino acid file
muscle -in MNBX01000583.1_4.faa -out MNBX01000583.1_4.fa
Make a codon alignment from the peptide alignment and nucleotide sequence MNBX01000583.1_4.fa MNBX01000583.1_4.ffn -output fasta > MNBX01000583.1_4.codonalign.fa
Check that the correct input/output files are in the codeml.ctl file
less codeml.ctl
Run codeml
codeml codeml.ctl
Enter the second directory
cd intraspecies_example/
Align the FASTA amino acid file
muscle -in NC_009928.1_232.faa -out NC_009928.1_232.fa
Make a codon alignment from the peptide alignment and nucleotide sequence NC_009928.1_232.fa NC_009928.1_232.ffn -output fasta > NC_009928.1_232.codonalign.fa
Run codeml after checking out the input/output codeml.ctl file
codeml codeml.ctl
Print the PseudoHunter help menu -h
Run program on the test dataset
cd PseudoHunter/
cd mycobacterium/ -q Mycobacterium_leprae-subset.fna -r Mycobacterium_tuberculosis_H37Rv.fna -ctl ../codeml-2.ctl -out pseudohunter_out
Print the ParaHunter help menu -h
Run program on the test dataset
cd ParaHunter/
cd cyanothece/ -a CyanothecePCC7425.faa -n CyanothecePCC7425.ffn -l ../codeml-2.ctl
(this last command takes a few min to run)