Releases: biointec/nexus
Nexus 1.1.1
Nexus provides a pan-genome compacted de Bruijn graph data structure using the bidirectional FM-index, with support for lossless approximate pattern matching using search schemes and subgraph visualization.
Updates with respect to Nexus v1.1.0:
- Nexus now supports creating the index starting from .fasta/.fa/.fna files instead of a preprocessed .txt file
- More efficient implementation for finding the strain corresponding to an occurrence
Nexus 1.1.0
Nexus provides a pan-genome compacted de Bruijn graph data structure using the Bidirectional FM-index, with support for lossless approximate pattern matching using search schemes and subgraph visualization.
With respect to Nexus 1.0.0, this release implements a more optimized version of Nexus, with a lower memory footprint.
Important: To use Nexus v1.1.0 instead of v1.0.0, the index must be rebuilt.
Nexus 1.0.0
First release of Nexus, implementing pan-genome compacted de Bruijn graphs with support for approximate pattern matching using search schemes.