"Entrepreneurial Philanthropy is not just a philosophy or a dream. It is a promise that philanthropy is at its best when it is founded on entrepreneurial zest and agility."
- Marvin Fourastié (Project leader)
- Corentin Bugnot (System administrator)
- Heloy Estevanin
- Romain Bigot
- Adrien Razurel
- Raphaël Lutz
To run the microservices using Docker execute:
mvn clean install
mvn install -Ppackage-docker-image
cd docker-compose/
docker-compose -f docker-compose-microservices.yml up
To avoid docker images compilation time, each microservice can be run independently
mvn clean install -T 4
java -jar {serviceFolder}/target/{serviceName}-service-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT-thorntail.jar
If you have added or deleted a file put the clean
keywoard after mvn otherwise simply run mvn install -T 4
List of services ports:
User service: 13080
Category service: 12080
Search service: 11080
Ad service: 15080
Image service: 14080