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Emacs PubMed

Emacs-pubmed is a GNU Emacs interface to the PubMed database. Emacs-pubmed uses the NCBI E-utilities to query the PubMed database.



Emacs-pubmed is now available from MELPA.

Development Version

To follow or contribute to emacs-pubmed development, you can browse or clone the Git repository on GitLab:

git clone

If you clone the repository directly, then make sure that Emacs can find it by adding the following line to your startup file:

(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/emacs-pubmed")


To use emacs-pubmed, include the following in your init.el or .emacs file:

(require 'pubmed)
(require 'pubmed-advanced-search)

If you use use-package, you can do the below instead:

(use-package pubmed
  :ensure t
  :commands (pubmed-search pubmed-advanced-search))

Then use M-x pubmed-search or M-x pubmed-advanced-search to search PubMed:

Entries are shown in a tabulated list in pubmed-mode.


The following keybindings are available:

  • RET: Show the summary of the current entry.
  • f: Try to fetch the fulltext PDF of the current entry.
  • m: Mark the current entry.
  • M: Mark all entries.
  • n: Show the summary of the next entry.
  • p: Show the summary of the previous entry.
  • q: Quit window.
  • s: Search PubMed.
  • u: Unmark the current entry.
  • U: Unmark all entries.
  • w: Write the BibTeX references of the marked entries or current entry to file.
  • <TAB>: Show the BibTeX references of the marked entries or current entry.


The pubmed-search function includes completion for PubMed suggestions. The default key to invoke completion is the C-M-i or <TAB> command.

In pubmed-advanced-search, the "All Fields", "Author" and "Journal" search boxes include completion for PubMed suggestions. The default key to invoke completion is the C-M-i or M-<TAB> command, bound to completion-at-point. On graphical displays, the M-<TAB> key is usually reserved by the window manager for switching graphical windows, so you should type C-M-i or <ESC> <TAB> instead.


Since May 1, 2018, NCBI limits access to the E-utilities unless you have an API key. See If you don't have an API key, E-utilities will still work, but you may be limited to fewer requests than allowed with an API key. Any computer (IP address) that submits more than three E-utility requests per second will receive an error message. This limit applies to any combination of requests to EInfo, ESearch, ESummary, EFetch, ELink, EPost, ESpell, and EGquery.

To obtain an API key, you will need an NCBI account. If you don't have one already, register at

To create the key, go to the "Settings" page of your NCBI account. (Hint: after signing in, simply click on your NCBI username in the upper right corner of any NCBI page.) You'll see a new "API Key Management" area. Click the "Create an API Key" button, and copy the resulting key.

Use the key by customizing the variable pubmed-api-key or setting the value in your init.el or .emacs file:

(setq pubmed-api-key "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")

Full text PDFs

Full text PDFs can be found by using PubMed Central® (PMC), Open Access Button Unpaywall, Dissemin Springer Nature or Sci-Hub:

  • The PMC fulltext function is invoked by M-x pubmed-get-pmc. PubMed Central® (PMC) is a free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM).

  • The Open Access Button fulltext function is invoked by M-x pubmed-get-openaccessbutton. Using Open Access Button is legal. Although most API operations do not require authorisation, obtaining your own API key is encouraged. To create the key, register at Provide your API key by customizing the variable pubmed-openaccessbutton-api-key or setting the value in your init.el or .emacs file:

    (setq pubmed-openaccessbutton-api-key "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
  • The Unpaywall fulltext function is invoked by M-x pubmed-get-unpaywall. Using Unpaywall is legal and requires you to provide your email address by customizing the variable pubmed-unpaywall-email or setting the value in your init.el or .emacs file:

(require 'pubmed-unpaywall)
(setq pubmed-unpaywall-email "[email protected]")
  • The Dissemin fulltext function is invoked by M-x pubmed-get-dissemin. Using Dissemin is legal and requires the following in your init.el or .emacs file:
(require 'pubmed-dissemin)
  • The Springer Nature fulltext function is invoked by M-x pubmed-get-springer. Using Springer Nature is legal and requires you to provide an API key. To create the key, register at The API key is automatically generated. To get the key, click on the "Applications" link in the top navigation bar after signing in or navigate to Provide your API key by customizing the variable pubmed-springer-api-key or setting the value in your init.el or .emacs file:
(require 'pubmed-springer)
(setq pubmed-springer-api-key "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
  • The Sci-Hub fulltext function is invoked by M-x pubmed-get-scihub. Using Sci-Hub may not be legal and requires you to provide the url by customizing the variable pubmed-scihub-url or setting the value in your init.el or .emacs file:
(require 'pubmed-scihub)
(setq pubmed-scihub-url "")
  • The command M-x pubmed-get-fulltext (or f) tries to fetch the fulltext PDF of the marked entries or current entry, using multiple methods. The functions in pubmed-fulltext-functions are tried in order, until a fulltext PDF is found.

  • The value of the variable pubmed-fulltext-functions should be a list of functions, which are tried in order by pubmed-get-fulltext to fetch fulltext articles. To change the behavior of pubmed-get-fulltext, remove, change the order of, or insert functions in this list. When the command pubmed-get-fulltext runs, it calls the functions in the list one by one, without any argument. Each function should return nil if it is unable to find a fulltext article of the entry at point. Otherwise it should return the buffer of the PDF and show the PDF in a new frame as a side effect. By default, only pubmed-pmc and pubmed-openaccessbutton are used. To add other fulltext functions, customize the variable pubmed-fulltext-functions or set the value in your init.el or .emacs file:

(setq pubmed-fulltext-functions '(pubmed-pmc pubmed-openaccessbutton pubmed-unpaywall pubmed-dissemin pubmed-scihub))


(add-to-list 'pubmed-fulltext-functions 'pubmed-unpaywall t)
(add-to-list 'pubmed-fulltext-functions 'pubmed-dissemin t)
(add-to-list 'pubmed-fulltext-functions 'pubmed-scihub t)


The PubMed document summaries (DocSums) can be exported to BibTeX references.

  • The command M-x pubmed-bibtex-show (or <TAB>) opens a new frame with the BibTeX references of the marked entries, or if there are none marked, the current entry in bibtex-mode.

  • The command M-x pubmed-bibtex-write (or w) writes the BibTeX references to a file.

Choosing BibTeX field types

PubMed includes citations for journal articles and a subset of books and book chapters available on the NCBI Bookshelf. These are declared as @article, @book, and @incollection, respectively.

The @article reference type is used for an article from a magazine or a journal. Required fields are: author, title, journal, year. Optional fields are: volume, number, pages, month, note.

The @book reference type is used for a published book. Required fields are: author/editor, title, publisher, year. Optional fields are: volume/number, series, address, edition, month, note.

The @incollection is used for a section of a book having its own title. Required fields are: author, title, booktitle, publisher, year. Optional fields are: editor, volume/number, series, type, chapter, pages, address, edition, month, note.

Of the optional fields, the series, type, and chapter fields are not included in the PubMed DocSums. When the note field is enabled, it is set to an empty value for later use. Besides the required and optional fields, the following non-standard fields can be included in the BibTeX entries: issn, pubmed, pii, doi, url.

The optional and non-standard fields can be included by customizing the corresponding variables or setting the values in your init.el or .emacs, e.g.

(setq pubmed-bibtex-article-number t)

Choosing BibTeX citation key

The first key of a BibTeX entry is the citation key, or the BibTeX key. This key must be unique for all entries in your bibliography. It is this identifier that you will use within your document to cross-reference it to this entry (i.e., the identifier you use in the \cite{} command in your LaTeX file).

By default, the author-year citation style is used that follows the loose standard in which the author's surname is followed by the year of publication. A formatter pattern language is provided that mostly follows the JabRef key formatting syntax. The default author-year citation style is produced by the [auth][year] key pattern. If the key is not unique in the current database, it is made unique by adding one of the letters a-z until a unique key is found.

To change the default key pattern, you can customize the variable pubmed-bibtex-keypattern or set the value in your init.el or .emacs:

(setq pubmed-bibtex-keypattern "[auth][year]")
Special field markers

Several special field markers are offered, which extract only a specific part of a field.

Author-related key patterns
  • [auth]: The last name of the first author
  • [authors]: The last name of all authors
  • [authorLast]: The last name of the last author
  • [authorsN]: The last name of up to N authors. If there are more authors, "EtAl" is appended.
  • [authorsAlpha]: Corresponds to the BibTeX style "alpha". One author: First three letters of the last name. Two to four authors: First letters of last names concatenated. More than four authors: First letters of last names of first three authors concatenated. "+" at the end.
  • [authIniN]: The beginning of each author's last name, using no more than N characters.
  • [authorIni]: The first 5 characters of the first author's last name, and the last name initials of the remaining authors.
  • [authN]: The first N characters of the first author's last name
  • [authN_M]: The first N characters of the Mth author's last name
  • [auth.auth.ea]: The last name of the first two authors, and ".ea" if there are more than two.
  • [auth.etal]: The last name of the first author, and the last name of the second author if there are two authors or ".etal" if there are more than two.
  • [authEtAl]: The last name of the first author, and the last name of the second author if there are two authors or "EtAl" if there are more than two. This is similar to auth.etal. The difference is that the authors are not separated by "." and in case of more than 2 authors "EtAl" instead of ".etal" is appended.
  • [authshort]: The last name if one author is given; the first character of up to three authors' last names if more than one author is given. A plus character is added, if there are more than three authors.
  • [authForeIni]: The forename initial of the first author.
  • [authorLastForeIni]: The forename initial of the last author.

Note: If there is no author (as in the case of an edited book), then all of the above [auth...] markers will use the editor(s) (if any) as a fallback. Thus, the editor(s) of a book with no author will be treated as the author(s) for label-generation purposes. If you do not want this behaviour, i.e. you require a marker which expands to nothing if there is no author, use pureauth instead of auth in the above codes. For example, [pureauth], or [pureauthors3].

Editor-related key patterns
  • [edtr]: The last name of the first editor
  • [edtrIniN]: The beginning of each editor's last name, using no more than N characters
  • [editors]: The last name of all editors
  • [editorLast]: The last name of the last editor
  • [editorIni]: The first 5 characters of the first editor's last name, and the last name initials of the remaining editors.
  • [edtrN]: The first N characters of the first editor's last name
  • [edtrN_M]: The first N characters of the Mth editor's last name
  • [edtr.edtr.ea]: The last name of the first two editors, and ".ea" if there are more than two.
  • [edtrshort]: The last name if one editor is given; the first character of up to three editors' last names if more than one editor is given. A plus character is added, if there are more than three editors.
  • [edtrForeIni]: The forename initial of the first editor.
  • [editorLastForeIni]: The forename initial of the last editor.
Title-related key patterns
  • [shorttitle]: The first 3 words of the title, ignoring any function words (see below). For example, An awesome paper on JabRef becomes AwesomePaperJabref.
  • [veryshorttitle]: The first word of the title, ignoring any function words (see below). For example, An awesome paper on JabRef becomes Awesome.
  • [camel]: Capitalize all the words of the title. For example, An awesome paper on JabRef becomes An Awesome Paper On Jabref.
  • [title]: Capitalize all the significant words of the title. For example, An awesome paper on JabRef becomes An Awesome Paper on Jabref.
Other key patterns
  • [firstpage]: The number of the first page of the publication (Caution: this will return the lowest number found in the pages field, since BibTeX allows 7,41,73--97 or 43+.)
  • [pageprefix]: The non-digit prefix of pages (like "L" for L7) or "" if no non-digit prefix exists (like "" for 7,41,73--97).
  • [keywordN]: Keyword number N from the "keywords" field, assuming keywords are separated by commas or semicolons.
  • [lastpage]: The number of the last page of the publication (See the remark on firstpage).
  • [shortyear]: The last 2 digits of the publication year.

Note: the functions above all have the clean filter automatically applied to them. If you want more control, you can disable this by configuring the pubmed-bibtex-apply-clean variable.


A field name (or one of the above pseudo-field names) may optionally be followed by one or more filters. Filters are applied in the order they are specified.

  • abbr: Abbreviates the text produced by the field name or special field marker. Only the first character and subsequent characters following white space will be included. For example, [journal:abbr] would from the journal name "Journal of Fish Biology" produce "JoFB", [title:abbr] would from the title "An awesome paper on JabRef" produce "AAPoJ", [camel:abbr] would from the title "An awesome paper on JabRef" produce "AAPOJ".
  • alphanum: clears out everything but unicode alphanumeric characters (unicode character classes L and N).
  • ascii: removes all non-ascii characters.
  • capitalize: Changes the first character of each word to uppercase, all other characters are converted to lowercase. For example, an example title will be converted to An Example Title.
  • clean: transliterates the citation keys and removes unsafe characters.
  • condense: this replaces spaces in the value passed in. You can specify what to replace it with by adding it as a parameter, e.g condense=_ will replace spaces with underscores. Parameters should not contain spaces unless you want the spaces in the value passed in to be replaced with those spaces in the parameter.
  • fold: tries to replace diacritics with ascii look-alikes. Removes non-ascii characters it cannot match.
  • lower: Forces the text inserted by the field marker to be in lowercase. For example, [auth:lower] expands the last name of the first author in lowercase.
  • nopunct: Removes punctuation.
  • nopunctordash: Removes punctuation and word-connecting dashes.
  • postfix: postfixes with its parameter, so postfix=_ will add an underscore to the end if, and only if, the value it is supposed to postfix isn't empty.
  • prefix: prefixes with its parameter, so prefix=_ will add an underscore to the front if, and only if, the value it is supposed to prefix isn't empty. If you want to use a reserved character (such as : or \), you'll need to add a backslash (\) in front of it.
  • replace: replaces text, case insensitive; :replace=.etal,&etal will replace .EtAl with &etal.
  • select: selects words from the value passed in. The format is select=start,number (1-based), so select=1,4 would select the first four words. If number is not given, all words from start to the end of the list are selected. It is important to note that 'select' works only on values that have the words separated by whitespace, so the caveat below applies.
  • sentencecase: Changes the first character of the first word to uppercase, all remaining words are converted to lowercase. Example: an Example Title will be converted to An example title.
  • skipwords: filters out common words like 'of', 'the', … the list of words can be seen and changed by customizing the variable pubmed-bibtex-function-words.
  • substring: (substring=start,n) selects n (default: all) characters starting at start (default: 1).
  • titlecase: Changes the first character of all normal words to uppercase, all function words (see pubmed-bibtex-function-words) are converted to lowercase. Example: example title with A function Word will be converted to Example Title with a Function Word.
  • upper: Forces the text inserted by the field marker to be in uppercase. For example, [auth:upper] expands the last name of the first author in uppercase.
  • (x): The string between the parentheses will be inserted if the field marker preceding this filter resolves to an empty value. The placeholder x may be any string. For instance, the marker [volume:(unknown)] will return the entry's volume if set, and the string unknown if the entry's volume field is not set.

Configuring default BibTeX file

If you have a master BibTeX file, e.g. bibliography.bib, and want it to serve as the default file to append or write the BibTeX reference to, you can customize the variable pubmed-bibtex-default-file or set the value in your init.el or .emacs:

(setq pubmed-bibtex-default-file "/path/to/bibliography.bib")


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