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Alert Creation Demo

Andy edited this page Dec 8, 2016 · 12 revisions

Basic contents and controls needed for Demo screens:



Active alerts: My alerts and alerts for teams that I belong to (count?).

Control to access specific alert from: dropdown?

Selecting an existing Alert leads to ALERT SCREEN (3)

Create new Alerts:

  • Timed (not used in this walkthrough)
  • Contextual: leads to CONTEXTUAL ALERT CREATION (2)
  • Instant (most apparent, easiest to access, not used in this walkthrough)

** Pushing instant alert leads directly to ALERT SCREEN (3)


User decides on teams to include

  • Default teams are automatically included (need control to ‘remove’)
  • Other teams can be added (need control to ‘add’)

Add “Alert Message” (Brief summary of the situation)

Control to ‘Create’.

  • Creation leads to ALERT SCREEN (3)


Need control to return to ‘MOBILE HOME PAGE’ (1)

CONTENT (Map and Text Chat most apparent):

  • Map
  • Incident Text Chat
  • Media/Recording Options
  • Video Chat

Narrative version of Carlos creates an alert

Carlos is from the Dominican Republic, is undocumented, and belongs to an organization, All for One, focused on supporting the immigrant population of his town. All for One created a Buoy two months ago, but Carlos has not created an Alert before.


As Carlos walks down the street he notices that two youths are being harassed by a four white men in a park. The situation is not yet violent, but the men are yelling and laughing and the youths look scared. Carlos knows that their parents are undocumented.


Carlos is approaching the group of men, but has a moment to send a Contextual Alert. Carlos pulls out his phone and opens the Buoy Mobile Home Page, and chooses to create a Contextual Alert. Carlos belongs to a few different teams within ‘All for One’.

When Carlos creates his Alert, any of his default teams will be included automatically. He has the option to add any other of his non-default teams as well. His default team is “Neighbor Support”, which is formed by the 8 other members of AFO that live within five blocks of his house. He is close to home, and keeps that team as part of this alert. He adds the team ‘Legal Help’, which will alert the three members of the organization that are most versed in immigration law. If someone ELSE calls the cops, Carlos wants to make sure that the youths understand how much information they are required to share, or not, with the police. Carlos has a third team called “Medical Support”, which he does not select for this Alert.

(Show Buoy Mobile Home Page, leading to Alert Creation Page)


“White dudes harassing kids, looks bad. Need some backup, cops might show”.

Carlos hits ‘send’ and the alert is sent out. Eleven people immediately get text messages with a link to the alert, which will open to the ‘Alert Screen’. The Alert Map shows the location of Carlos and the other responders.

With the Alert sent, Carlos can focus on the situation in front of him. He turns on the ‘Media/Record’ features of the Alert Screen and approaches the men.


All 11 potential responders, including AFO member Danielys, now have the same view of the situation. They see Carlos on the map, as well as his contextual description. Danielys is only a four minute walk away, and immediately responds that she can provide backup, and is about four minutes out. Three other members of AFO indicate they can come as well, but it looks like Danielys will arrive first.

(Show Danielys’s view of ALERT PAGE)

The three members of the Legal Team, who do not live in the immediate vicinity, jump onto the shared video chat to confer and decide if anyone can make the trip to Carlos’ neighborhood. Ana, who is documented and works at an immigration-focused law firm, is across town. She is available but cannot make the physical trip. She agrees to stay on the video chat and will talk to the youths, if required, via that medium.

(Show Ana’s view of ALERT PAGE)

All of this is happening without Carlos taking any further Buoy-actions; he is currently occupied with confronting the harassers and videoing the event on his phone.


Carlos is nervous as he confronts the men, but is able to keep them occupied during the additional four minutes it takes for Danielys to arrive. The men now realize more people on are on the way and decide to leave, yelling insults at Carlos and Danielys.

Carlos comments in the Text Chat that the situation is de-escalating, and that the cops have not been called/are not arriving. Ana uses the Video Chat feature to quickly talk to one of the youths via Carlos’s phone, to make sure they understand their rights if they ever have to talk to the cops in the future.

Carlos comments via Text Chat that the Alert doesn’t require more attention and thanks everyone for their quick response.

Total duration: 11 minutes

Situation result: Assholes leave

Potential creative direction for "Trailer":

  1. Starts with Carlos's screen, showing actions as he creates alert.

  2. Zoom out to show 11 versions of the Alert Screen (all Alerted Members, maybe split out by teams they belong to).

  3. Zoom in to show screen on Danielys’s phone, she says she can respond.

  4. Zoom out to show 3 other members of “Neighborhood Support” also indicate they can come (maybe with some text bubbles “On my way!”, “Ya voy, seis minutos”.

  5. Shift to show the three screens of the “Legal Team” video chatting about who is available.

  6. Focus back on Carlos, and his messages that things are calming down, video chat with Ana, and closing the Alert (via ‘all clear’ comment).