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My dotfiles, as of Jul 8, 2021. Managed via dotbot.


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To install: after cloning this repository to a new system (location agnostic):

  1. run install to automatically set up the environment with help from dotobt.
  2. Download ssh config-file from my secret gist and put in .ssh/config. (REQUIRES 1Password that is installed in the next step.)
  3. If you want to also install applications, automatic install only "tested" on my personally managed Mac, run install-apps.

Below is my full workflow to get a new Mac up and running.

Getting Started

  • Set up Mac regarding startup wizard. Migrate or start as new.
  • Make sure iCloud Documents and Desktop is syncing.

More info regarding Dotfile

In order to keep ssh-connection ports mildly private, my ~/.ssh/config file is stored in a secret gist connected to my GitHub account. (Sadly a URL reveals the content to anyone. Maybe I should move it to Notion or some other location.)

Install apps

I have a script in dotfiles/install-apps. This installs:

  • Homebrew
  • homebrew, cask & Mac AppStore apps
  • black & pytest via pipx

Potential brewfile issues

If miniconda is having issues, get the full installation instructions can be found at In short wget the appropriate script and run the install script.

Set up iTerm and Alfred

The preferences for these applications are installed ~/Documents/2 Areas/P - Computing/application preferences/

SSH keys (& config?)

  • Generate a new rsa key with ssh-keygen -t rsa.
  • Save password and copy of key to 1Password.
  • Upload the public key to a server:
curl -L | sh
ssh-copy-id user@computer
  • Add the key to ssh agent.


ssh-add -a ~/some_ssh_identity_file
  • Check status of ssh-agent with ssh-add -l

MacOS setting to change

Hoping to make this a script.

  • Safari

Other apps or Files?


Homebrew downloaded some. I also usually create a favorites folder with:

  • one
  • other


My dotfiles, as of Jul 8, 2021. Managed via dotbot.





