SwiftVideoPlayer is a lightweight drop-in class that simplifies the usage of AVPlayer. It was inspired by the excellent https://github.com/piemonte/Player Credits to https://github.com/piemonte
Using cocoapds simply add the following to your podfile
pod 'SwiftVideoPlayer', :git => 'https://github.com/benjaminhorner/SwiftVideoPlayer.git', :branch => 'master'
then run
pod install
Don't forget to import SwiftVideoPlayer to your project
import SwiftVideoPlayer
- include the VideoPlayerDelegate in your class
- instanciate the player like so :
self.player = VideoPlayer(frame: THE_VIDEO_CGRECT, parentView: THE_UIVIEW_TO_HOLD_THE_PLAYER, file: THE_VIDEO_URL_STRING)
3. Set the delegate : self.player.delegate = self
- Scrubber parameters
scrubberPositionX: CGFloat (default = 0)
scrubberPositionY: CGFloat (default = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.width - 2)
scrubberHeight: CGFloat (default = 4)
scrubberWidth: CGFloat = (default = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.width)
scrubberTintColor: UIColor (default = UIColor(red: 78.0/255, green: 184.0/255, blue: 87.0/255, alpha: 1.0) )
scrubberMaximumTrackTintColor: UIColor? // If you wish to "remove" it, set it to UIColor.clearColor()
minimalScrubber: Bool (default = true) // as is, the thumbImage is hidden. Set to false if you wish to have a thumb image
- Player parameters
hasScrubber: Bool (default = true) // Set it to false if you wish to remove the scrubber playerBackgroundColor: UIColor (default = UIColor.blackColor()) playbackLoops: Bool (default = false) playbackFreezesAtEnd: Bool (default = false)
- Possibility to change the thumb Image
- Show Current Time and Video Duration
- Possibility to enable/disable currentTime and duration visibility
- Customisable Play/Pause Buttons