- Fork the repository and download zipped files
cd storynest
- Using a terminal run the command inside the storynest folder
docker-compose up --build
- To connect a data base or use the PostGreSQL database the instructions are in the server directory commented in the main.py file!
StoryNest is a locally hosted platform designed for developers to share, discuss, and refine their coding projects through interactive storytelling. The app addresses the need for community-driven learning and problem-solving within smaller, private networks or organizations. By allowing users to create, tag, and interact with stories, StoryNest fosters a supportive environment where developers can connect, learn from one another, and gain feedback on their work.
Empowering developers to collaborate, learn, and grow through the art of storytelling.
To create a thriving community where every developer’s journey is shared, celebrated, and enriched by collective knowledge.
- Primarily designed with developers in mind, but versatile enough for anyone who values a collaborative environment.
- As the tech community continues to grow, there is an increasing need for platforms that foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing.
Please note that some of these features were scrapped due to the restruc
- User reactions to stories
- Comments
- Reactions
- Search for other users
- Search for stories
- Search user activity (Only if friends = True)
- All activity notifications
- Ability to edit which notifications you receive
- Message the author of a story
- Stories feed where any logged-in user can interact
- Only friends can message from their stories
- Add tags to each story to make them searchable
- Use tags to filter the main feed
- Export the story you're viewing as PDF, Word, etc.
StoryNest is a locally hosted platform designed for developers to share, discuss, and refine their coding projects through interactive storytelling. The app addresses the need for community-driven learning and problem-solving within smaller, private networks or organizations. By allowing users to create, tag, and interact with stories, StoryNest fosters a supportive environment where developers can connect, learn from one another, and gain feedback on their work. With features like user authentication, story creation, and activity tracking, StoryNest empowers developers to build a network of peers and mentors, making collaboration more accessible and effective within a controlled, local setting.
Get all users
GET /api/users/
- Retrieves a list of all users.
Get a single user
GET /api/users/{id}/
- Retrieves a single user by their ID.
Create a new user
POST /api/users/
- Creates a new user.
Update an existing user
PUT /api/users/{id}/
- Updates an existing user by their ID.
Delete a user
DELETE /api/users/{id}/
- Deletes a user by their ID.
Get all stories
GET /api/stories/
- Retrieves a list of all stories.
Get a single story
GET /api/stories/{id}/
- Retrieves a single story by its ID.
Create a new story
POST /api/stories/
- Creates a new story.
Update an existing story
PUT /api/stories/{id}/
- Updates an existing story by its ID.
Delete a story
DELETE /api/stories/{id}/
- Deletes a story by its ID.
Get all comments for a story
GET /api/stories/{story_id}/comments/
- Retrieves all comments for a specific story.
Get a single comment
GET /api/comments/{id}/
- Retrieves a single comment by its ID.
Create a new comment
POST /api/stories/{story_id}/comments/
- Creates a new comment for a specific story.
Update an existing comment
PUT /api/comments/{id}/
- Updates an existing comment by its ID.
Delete a comment
DELETE /api/comments/{id}/
- Deletes a comment by its ID.
Get all reactions for a story or comment
GET /api/reactions/
- Retrieves all reactions (can be filtered by story_id or comment_id).
Create a new reaction
POST /api/reactions/
- Creates a new reaction to a story or comment.
Delete a reaction
DELETE /api/reactions/{id}/
- Deletes a reaction by its ID.
Get all notifications for a user
GET /api/users/{user_id}/notifications/
- Retrieves all notifications for a specific user.
Mark a notification as read
PUT /api/notifications/{id}/read/
- Marks a specific notification as read.
Get all tags
GET /api/tags/
- Retrieves a list of all tags.
Get a single tag
GET /api/tags/{id}/
- Retrieves a single tag by its ID.
Create a new tag
POST /api/tags/
- Creates a new tag.
Update an existing tag
PUT /api/tags/{id}/
- Fields: username, email, password, profile_picture, bio, date_joined
- Relationships: friends, stories, comments, reactions, followers
- Fields: title, content, tags, author_id, created_at, updated_at, views_count, likes_count, dislikes_count, is_featured
- Relationships: author, comments, reactions, views
- Fields: content, author_id, story_id, created_at, likes_count, dislikes_count
- Relationships: author, story, reactions
- Fields: reaction_type, user_id, story_id, comment_id, created_at
- Relationships: user, story, comment
- Fields: message, user_id, is_read, created_at, related_id
- Relationships: user
- Fields: name, created_at, description
- Relationships: stories
- Fields: friend_id, created_at
- Relationships: user
- Fields: title, sender_id, receiver_id, content, created_at
- Relationships: sender, receiver