This repo contains ROS nodes for processing RGB-D data from Intel realsense d435. It has several steps:
- segment rgb image and get mask of one object using Mask R-CNN for segmentation and KNN for classification with iterative learning
- After applying mask on rgb and depth image get point cloud of an object
- Find Oriented bounding box of point cloud (with outlier removal)
- Find coefficients of a plane on point cloud of complete scene
Create workspace folder, src folder in it and clone this repo into it:
mkdir -p ~/ros_ws/src
cd ~/ros_ws/src
git clone
cd grasping_vision
Change line 7 in
according to your workspace location:
-v your_path_to_workspace:/ws \
Build docker image
Install nvidia-container-toolkit to use GPU in docker:
Run realsense with ROS:
roslaunch launch rs_aligned_depth.launch
(Opionally) Open rviz: rviz -d rviz_config.rviz
Start docker
Prepare ros project and build it:
cd ws
source devel/setup.bash
Launch node for segmentation and bouding box calculating:
cd src/grasping_vision
roslaunch launch/launch_them_all.launch
Open another terminal and run
sudo docker ps (to get a name of running container)
sudo docker exec -it -w /ws/src/grasping_vision/scripts name_of_container bash
In the command_node user can enter one of the following commands:
- inference (default)
- train {name of object}
- give {name of object}
- In inference mode the segmentation node segments image and classify each object.
- In train mode the node stores all images of an object for 30 seconds and then feed deep features of them into KNN-classifier.
- In give mode the image is segmented and the coordinates of bouding box of a desired object are sent once to a topic
. Once the "give" command was sent, the arraay is sent continously in topic until new "give" command is sent.
The topic /obb_array
has float32 one-dimensional array representing a pose of the bounding box in the followong format: [major_vector, middle_vector, mass_center, dimensions] (in total 12 elements). Major vector represents X-axis, middle vector - Y-axis, dimensions - size of bounding box in a coordinate system, which axes are the major vector, middle vector and a vector maden by a cross product of two first ones.
- Call the service
of typethe_mainest/Give.srv
std_msgs/String mode
where mode
in [give obj
], obj
you can see from the topic /segmented_view
(or something like this)
Wait a few moments
Call the service
of typethe_mainest/ObbArr.srv
std_msgs/Empty empty
std_msgs/Float32MultiArray data
where data
is 12 numbers.