- OpenShift CLI
- Helm CLI
Add OpenMetadata to your local Helm repositories:
helm repo add open-metadata https://helm.open-metadata.org/
1. Apply all the network policies and pod label policies under 'oc' folder:
Navigate to the 'openshift' folder then:
2. Create required database and application secrets
oc create secret generic airflow-db-secrets --from-literal=airflow-db-password=airflow_pass
oc create secret generic db-secrets --from-literal=openmetadata-db-password=openmetadata_password
oc create secret generic airflow-secrets --from-literal=openmetadata-airflow-password=admin
Note: also need to create oidc-secrets and postgres-secrets
Note: Do not use the actual values above! See Vault for secrets. If in a new environment, you will also need to create oidc-secrets and postgres-secrets.
3. Deploy OpenMetadata dependencies to OpenShift
Source: https://github.com/open-metadata/openmetadata-helm-charts/tree/main/charts/deps
docker pull ghcr.io/bcgov/nr-openmetadata-postgresql:main
Updating OpenMetadata in OpenShift
- OpenShift CLI
- Helm CLI
1. Get the latest version of OpenMetadata and it's dependencies:
helm repo update open-metadata helm pull open-metadata/openmetadata-dependencies helm pull open-metadata/openmetadata
2. Helm chart modifications
To review all Helm chart modifications (i.e. differences between the OpenMetadata default config and the OpenShift restricted security context config), search this repo for "DF-NOTE:" annotations. Each of these files has been customized to work in OpenShift Emerald environment:
To update the chart when changes are made:
Note: Make sure to include all 4 values.yaml files in new deployment, match the environment for SSO config and callback URLs, and match the size of the PVCs to the persistence.
3. Update OpenMetadata 'deps' release in OpenShift
Source: https://github.com/open-metadata/openmetadata-helm-charts/tree/main/charts/deps
Navigate to the 'deps' chart folder then:
helm upgrade openmetadata-dependencies .helm upgrade openmetadata .
To add OpenMetadata to your local Helm repositories:
helm repo add open-metadata https://helm.open-metadata.org/
To get the latest version of OpenMetadata and it's dependencies:
helm repo update open-metadata helm pull open-metadata/openmetadata-dependencies helm pull open-metadata/openmetadata
4. Update OpenMetadata release in OpenShift
Source: https://github.com/open-metadata/openmetadata-helm-charts/tree/main/charts/openmetadata
Once all the dependencies are running, navigate to the 'openmetadata' chart folder then:
helm upgrade openmetadata .