Sprint 28 Release - Build #247
A strikethrough indicates that the item has been successfully tested and is ready for PROD. Any items left WITHOUT a strikethrough have either failed or have not been tested yet
December 22nd push to test (in order of linear build)
1) #328 MEM-598 Ensure text searches are on entire phrase, and handle result.
2) #328 MEM-574 Find Documents does not Limit to a Specific Project
December 20th Push to Test (in order of linear build)
1. #301 MEM-594 Relate MEM mines to EPIC projects
2. #303 Shareable linkto folder should be copied to the clipboard
3. #305 EPIC-1292 builds failing on openshift (not testable)
4. #306 EPIC-1286 EAO Public - project list page takes too long to load
5. #313 EPIC-1293 Slow rollout of package.json updates (not testable)
6. #319 EPIC-1302 Migrating to yarn (not testable)
7. #321 EPIC-1303 Public are able to upload any type of document into the comment section
8. #322 EPIC-1280 Update contact name displayed when submitting a public comment
9. #324 EPIC-1305 Public Comment Period default to comments tab