Sprint 24 Push to Test - Build #201
A strikethrough indicates that the item has been successfully tested and is ready for PROD. Any items left WITHOUT a strikethrough have either failed or have not been tested yet
October 23rd Push to Test (in order of linear build)
1) #284 EPIC-1261 Block a user from deleting published content (fix one use case)
2) #285 MEM-564 Search tweaks to MMTI (not testable)
3) #287 EPIC-1247 Document Names overlap ellipsis menu in smaller devices
4) #288 NO TICKET: Adding text index on project model
5) #289 EPIC-1258 Modify "Update Collections" modal to be consistent with the better "edit permissions" modal
October 26th Push to Test (in order of linear build)
6) #290 MEM-578 Fix date range (MMTI Search) (not testable)
7) #291 EPIC-1270 Fix: Intro modal bug