Version 1.0.24
- [c173a6b] Merge pull request #92 from bcgov/dev
- [006045b] Merge pull request #87 from bcgov/feature/bceid
- [8495da5] Merge branch 'dev' into feature/bceid
- [a608b4b] Merge pull request #91 from bcgov/feature/detect-user-identity
- [97cab55] Merge pull request #90 from bcgov/feature/active-validation-fix
- [bff8265] show username if name is not valid
- [a0a519e] upd request addtl details
- [59a2f05] upd business profile loading and mocck server
- [7bcc6f8] fix prometheus
- [70c9983] show links with portal-user
- [6a385b1] fix prometheus not running
- [bbdafc7] allow create namespace for idir user
- [393da9a] upd authz to replace developer role
- [6a58d09] use username to derive an additional role
- [f5697e7] add cred details to query
- [be575bb] fix validation
- [b381e03] Merge pull request #88 from bcgov/feature/batch-name-change
- [26207d5] Merge pull request #76 from bcgov/util/add-kong-gateway
- [a2b0fde] Update README.md
- [5c38b14] incl some documentationo
- [04f1fcc] incl some documentationo
- [b8e4837] fix for gatewayservice
- [129c9b4] add display of business profile on access approval page
- [4802599] Running services locally - Using postgres instead of mongodb
- [8a310e5] removed unused folder name
- [dac3ae5] added cookie secure env var to the build/deploy pipeline
- [bbcfd30] updating the cookie secure condition to use new env var
- [c8ed698] Adding a new service (kong gateway) and using postgres in place of mongodb as a storage for aps-porta, kong, keycloak services
- [e3ece3f] upd kong feeder