A Swift SDK for integrating with the Dropbox API v2.
To get started with SwiftyDropbox, we recommend you add it to your project using CocoaPods.
Install CocoaPods:
sudo gem install cocoapods
If you've never used CocoaPods before, run:
pod setup
In your project directory, create a new file and call it "Podfile". Add the following text to the file:
platform :ios, '8.0' use_frameworks! target '<YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>' do pod 'SwiftyDropbox' end
From the project directory, install the SwiftyDropbox SDK with:
pod install
You need to create an Dropbox Application to make API requests.
All requests need to be made with an OAuth 2 access token. To get started, once you've created an app, you can go to the app's console and generate an access token for your own Dropbox account.
- PhotoWatch - View photos from your Dropbox on your Apple Watch.
Read more about SwiftyDropbox on our developer site.
If you're interested in modifying the SwiftyDropbox codebase, clone the GitHub repository to your local filesystem
and run git submodule init
and then git submodule update
, then navigate to ./TestSwifty and run pod install
Once this is complete, open the ./TestSwifty/TestSwifty.xcworkspace file with Xcode and proceed to implement your
changes to the SwiftyDropbox source code.
To ensure your changes have not broken any existing functionality, you may run a series of comprehensive unit tests by following the instructions listed in the ./TestSwifty/TestSwifty/ViewController.swift file.