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Store the data throughout the session and move the data between components. You can easily move state between components.

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Getting started

Install with NPM:

$ npm install react-session-api


Live Demo CodeSandbox

With this component, you can create data that is stored throughout the session. You can access this data from anywhere in your project.

When the page is closed, the stored data is deleted. You can think of this data as a global state.

You can handle data changes from the Session.onSet(function UniqueName(data) { }) event and set the state of the components.

  • Set and get data from all components.
  • You can easily handle data changes.
  • Timeout property for datas.
  • sessionStorage or localStorage browser property not require.


A simple example for sharing data and handling changes between components.

Default Theme

// Counter.js
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Session from 'react-session-api'

class Counter extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      counter: 0
  componentDidMount() {
    const counter = (data) => {
      this.setState({ counter: data["counter"] });

  render() {
    return (
        Counter :
          className={"badge " + (this.state.counter < 0 ? 'badge-warning color-white' : 'badge-primary')}>

export default Counter;
// IncreaseButton.js
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Session from 'react-session-api'

const IncreaseButton = () => {
    const onIncrease = () => {
        let counter = Session.get("counter") + 1;
        Session.set("counter", counter);
    return (
            className="btn btn-sm btn-success"
            onClick={(e) => onIncrease()}>
            Increase Number

export default IncreaseButton;
// DecreaseButton.js
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Session from 'react-session-api'

const DecreaseButton = () => {
    const onDecrease = () => {
        let counter = Session.get("counter") - 1;
        Session.set("counter", counter);
    return (
            className="btn btn-sm btn-danger"
            onClick={(e) => onDecrease()}>
            Decrease Number

export default DecreaseButton;


Descriptions and configuration settings for component properties.

  • Session.set(key, value) Set session item.

    • key {string} session item key.
    • value {Object|string} session item value, if you are using browser storage, it can only take {string}.
  • Session.get(key) Get session item.

    • key {string} session item key.
  • Session.remove(key) Remove session item by key.

    • key {string} session item key.
  • Session.items() Get all items.

  • Session.clear() Clear all items.

  • Session.unmount(callbackName) Unmount callback function.

    • callbackName {string} callback unique name.
  • Session.onSet(function UniqueName(data) { /* do things */ }) Triggered when session data changes.

    • data new data set.
  • config(browserStorage = false, timeout = 0) Set session config.

    • browserStorage {bool} use browser sessionStorage.
    • timeout {number} session timeout period, in minutes.


Barış Ateş