Mock server in go!
Inspired by
Travix uses gozzmock to avoid dependencies on 3rd party services at test environment. Gozzmock is a "transparent" mock and fully manageable trow API calls. Transparency means, some calls can be mocked, other calls will be send to real endpoint.
docker pull travix/gozzmock
For instance, there is a task to mock GitHub API call By default, /user returns
"message": "Requires authentication",
"documentation_url": ""
Run container with gozzmock
docker run -it -p8080:8080 travix/gozzmock
Upload a "forward" expectation to gozzmock. Expectation structure:
"key": "forwardExpectation",
"forward": {
"host": "",
"scheme": "https"
Expectation should be sent to /gozzmock/add_expectation endpoint like this
curl -d '{"forward":{"host":"","scheme":"https"},"key":"forwardExpectation"}' -X POST
NOTE - ip of host machine
To validate that expectation works
"message": "Requires authentication",
"documentation_url": ""
Add expectation with response:
"key": "responseExpectation",
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"path": "mocked"
"response": {
"body": "response from gozzmock",
"headers": [
"Content-Type": "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
"httpcode": 200
"priority": 1
curl -d '{"key":"responseExpectation","request":{"method":"GET","path":"mocked"},"response":{"body":"response from gozzmock","headers":[{"Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=utf-8"}],"httpcode":200},"priority":1}'-X POST
Send request with "mocked" in path:
For all those request response will be from expectation:
response from gozzmock
This part describes structure of expectations
- key - unique identifier for message. If another expectation is added with same key, original will be replaced
- priority (optional) - is used to define order. First expectation has greatest priority.
- dealy (optional) - delay in seconds before sending response
- request - block of filters/conditions for incoming request
- response - this block will be sent as response if incoming request passes filter in "request" block
- forward - this block describes forwarding/proxy. If incoming request passes filter in "request" block, request will be re-sent according to "forward" block.
NOTE only one block should be set: response or forward
Structure of "request" block
- method - HTTP method: POST, GET, ...
- path - path, including query (?) and fragments (#)
- body - request body
- headers - headers in request
NOTE It is allowed to use regex as well as simple string. For instance, if path: ".*" - it will be parsed as regex. if string "abc" - it will be used as substring
Structure of "forward" block
- Scheme - HTTP or HTTPS
- host - target host name. Host name of original request will be replaced with this value. Path and query will be same.
- headers - headers which will be added/replaced when forwarding
Structure of "response" block
- method - HTTP method: POST, GET, ...
- path - path, including query (?) and fragments (#)
- body - response body
- headers - headers in response