mediawiki-vimeo is a mediawiki extension to include thumbnails of your vimeo-videos on a mediawiki page. There is an existing template for the Widget-Extension, but it includes the whole video as iframe. That iframe contains a flash object and a google analytics tag. If you use multiple videos on one page this can seriously slow down the users computer.
An example of the mediawiki-vimeo extension can be found here, at the bottom of the page:
To use the Vimeo extension in your mediawiki, all you have to do is:
<vimeo width="200" height="110">
Width and height attribute is optional. Each Video-ID is seperated by a newline
Switch to your mediawiki-extension directory:
cd /var/www/mediawik/extensions
Clone VimeoList from my repostory (or a fork on your repository):
git clone
instead you can also install it from tarball:
wget '' -O VimeoList.tar.gz
tar xvfz VimeoList.tar.gz
... and as the last step, you need to add the extension to your LocalSettings.php (in your mediawiki-root directory):