Usage: ss-nat [-opc] [options]
ss-nat -f
Valid options are:
-s <server_ip> hostname (requires dig) or ip address of shadowsocks remote server
-l <local_port> port number of shadowsocks local server
-S <server_ip> hostname (requires dig) or ip address of shadowsocks remote UDP server
-L <local_port> port number of shadowsocks local UDP server
-i <ip_list_file> a file content is bypassed ip list
-I <interface> lan interface of nat, default: eth0
-a <lan_ips> lan ip of access control, need a prefix to
define access control mode
-b <wan_ips> wan ip of will be bypassed
-w <wan_ips> wan ip of will be forwarded
-c <filename> read configuration from /etc/shadowsocks-libev/filename.json
other options will overload this config file
-e <extra_options> extra options for iptables
-o apply the rules to the OUTPUT chain
-p apply the rules to the PREROUTING chain
-u enable udprelay mode, TPROXY is required
-U enable udprelay mode, using different IP
and ports for TCP and UDP
-r change default dns server: and
(requires resolvconf.service)
-f flush the rules
-h show this help message and exit
ss-nat -f -I eth0 -r
ss-nat -s $serverip -l $serverport -I eth0 -u -o -r