NOTE: This is a preliminary release, things are subject to change without notice!
This SDK depends on the following packages to be installed on your system:
* llvm (>=3.2)
* libuuid1
* uuid-runtime
* libssl
* libblocksruntime
* flex
* tcsh
* bison
* make
* unifdef
* autotools-dev
What is included in this SDK:
* Developer tools:
- image3maker - a simple utility used to generate img3 files to be used when building GenericBooter
- developer_cmds - a port of apple's open source developer tools
- bootstrap_cmds - a port of the Mach Interface Generator
* Toolchain tools:
- clang/llvm - a slightly modified port of clang-3.4 that is used to cross compile code for Darwin ARM. Also includes other llvm tools
- cctools - a port of apple's other misc. compiler tools
* System tools:
- xcode-tools - tools used to invoke Darwin ARM sdk tools or get Toolchain/SDK information from anywhere on your system
NOTE: you should invoke all SDK commands through xcrun. see for more info
* Developer resources:
- CoreOSMAkefiles - for compatibility purposes (Don't use this directly!)
- AvailabilityVersions - used for library versioning
- DarwinARM.sdk - the Darwin ARM sysroot - contains all necessary userspace headers/libraries (based on iOS5.x sdk sysroot)
How to install this SDK:
* for now, this SDK is only available in tar.bz2 form. To install this SDK into your system, run the following as root:
tar -jxpf DarwinARM_SDK_v0.1_32bit.tar.bz2
mv -f DarwinARM_SDK_v0.1_32bit/* /
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Developer/Toolchains/DarwinARM.toolchain/usr/lib
xcode-select -switch /opt/Developer
NOTE: Until this SDK is properly packaged, you will need to export LD_LIBRARY_PATH each time you use the SDK, or alternatively create an .sh script in /etc/profile.d to automate this process.